Comments ( 8 )
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Okay I'm gonna say it. THERE'S AN ENTIRE CITY OF MAGNETO'S!!!!!

Seriously I thought the idea of Metalbending cops was cool, but seriously seeing metalbending used to THAT level and with an ENTIRE city worth of metalbenders like that? That was some Magneto shit right there!!!

The new episode I take it...Goddammit Nick why aren't putting the new season on Demand

Nice but doesn't help that I've missed the first two as well

3438319 First 3. The premier was an hour and a half. And those two episodes I just showed you were aired together last night.

I think with the fact Book 2 was so......... Mixed on the reactions they're going out of their way to make sure people know this season is good and it is!

What annoys me is what Suyin said about neither of them knowing their fathers.

It annoys me because since Lin was revealed that's the one thing I've wanted to know is who Toph hooked up with, and we may never know.

Aw well, Toph's travailing the world, so 9:10 we'll see her at some point.

Also Opal X Bolin.

And I'm glad Varrick's back. Love that guy.

3438765 Eh, I'm kinda okay with that to an extent. :applejackunsure: I mean Toph never struck me as the kind to just settle down with a guy and be a wife.

The fact she had two kids out of wedlock doesn't really surprise me to be honest.

I said it before and I'll say it again, Varrick is the Tony Stark of Avatar.

When we first met him I wanted to see a crossover where he met Pinkie.

Then everything happened and I was pleading for his innocence, hoping it was anyone else like Ginger, or Zhu Li, or that random guy who showed Makko the explosives.

But at least he was never convicted. :pinkiehappy:

And we still need a story where he meets Pinkie, like right now. :ajbemused:

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