Comments ( 22 )
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Somehow I suspected that Su had something to do with it. But personally, I'm just happy we got to see Toph again. And I'm still curious about who the fathers of the sisters are. :trixieshiftright:

Looking forward to whatever those four baddies are up to.

And baby sky bison are cute. Period.

Also, when WILL episodes be available to stream online? We'll be relying on Amazon Prime in a few months, and they've only got the first 3 episodes...:fluttershysad:

I remember seeing that scene, my response was, "Oh sh:yay:t, so that's how it went down."

For those who missed it, here's a GIF.

Such an amazing moment, this is an amazing season.

3460246 I know. Each season gets better than the previous one.

Might not go that far, personally I preferred Air over Spirits.

I felt that Amon was a better threat, and overall it was just done better.

Air did an amazing job of introducing us to the new world, and letting us know everyone (also Pro Bending, remember that? I miss it :ajsleepy:).

I'm in no way, shape, or form saying Spirits was bad, it was still great but overall felt a bit more rushed, and while the threat was technically bigger, he just felt like another evil hero type.

Best thing from Spirits was undoubtedly teaching us the Avatar's origin.

But overall I'd definitely say Change is shaping up to be the best so far.

Further examination into the characters pasts, new Airbenders, and those villeins oh sweet Celestia are they awesome.

Seeing an evil Airbender was just the greatest thing I think I've seen in a while, and everyone else's ability's are just nice.

I also loved the thing in the third episode when Zuko said, "Ironically I once hired a mercenary with similar ability's to kill the Avatar." :rainbowlaugh:

Overall there's nothing to complain about this season, even memebase is loving with it, and look back on posts about the second season they weren't that pleased.

I also can't wait to see the Queen get what's coming to her, I already wanted to after the whole, "Kidnapping Airbenders to make a private army," thing, but hiring poachers to kidnap Air Bison to eat them? That's just not cool. :ajbemused:

3460099 Funny, because Toph's VA from Last Airbender voiced Young!Su in the new episode. So we got a double dosing of Toph, even if we didn't notice it

And yes, baby sky bison. friggin' adorable :yay:


I also can't wait to see the Queen get what's coming to her, I already wanted to after the whole, "Kidnapping Airbenders to make a private army," thing, but hiring poachers to kidnap Air Bison to eat them? That's just not cool.

Don't forget Bosco, if that rumor is true.
A thought: Zaheer and his gang planned to assassinate Raiko while they were in Republic City. Maybe the Earth Queen is on their list of targets... which I would wholeheartedly support :rainbowdetermined2:

Don't know how I forgot him, that bear was awesome! You ever read the comic about Sakka trying to teach him to be a real bear? :rainbowlaugh: The comics are amazing.

I think everyone would be very happy if she were on the list, I don't think there's a single fan that wouldn't wholeheartedly support her being attacked by them.

I mean claiming that the United Republic should be hers and that her father was just weak, the way she treats lower class citizens (did you see the lower ring? Looks way worse then it used to it used to at least be livable, now it's basically slums), the way she treats upper class citizens.

The way she treats people she has no power over, all I can say is that when that bandit said, "You're on the wrong side Avatar!" and Korra said, "Something tells me he's right," you can't help but agree.

Basically, if they're head of the Dai Le, don't trust them. I think that's the lesson we've learned.

3460491 It really bolges the mind how the Dai Lee managed to scrape together enough support to survive when the fire nation betrayed them and took over their city. I guess they wielded more influence than anyone imagined.

3460303 That's because Nick kept yanking them around, suddenly approving them for 3 more seasons, and so they kinda HAD to rush out Spirits. It's also why Korra's character took a few steps back from where it was at the end of Air, as they didn't really have much time to make sure it was in character for her before they could release it.

Now I'm more forgiving of Spirits since Korra's character could be chalked up to stress during the first half, if one were to look at it from that angle of her parents getting arrested and her country going through a civil war, and finding out she's had major secrets kept from her. It wasn't Korra at her BEST, but I can forgive it for the amount of time they probably had to work on it.

Spirits to me had a LOT of good ideas presented, but only the ones presented toward the end had any satisfying pay off.

I actually had a feeling that she was going to somehow be involved in her scar. I also freaked out when Suyin broke the wires though - It was so crazy.
I was glad that we got to see toph some more, though my only comment about it might be that her voice sounded.. too smooth. She's always been so tough and her voice didn't match up for me for some reason.
I also really want them to talk about who Lin and Suyin's parents were - I suspect that Su is the daughter of Sokka, mainly by her darker skin.

This season is looking very good so far - and it gets back the old Avatar feeling of them traveling around. It also certianly seems like we are going to learn some more back story stuff, and hopefully with Zuko (also, why does he have a dragon and how did he get one!?) I know the books covered his mom and ended his relationship with Mae, but He obviously had a kid with someone (My guess is it's Suki, actually) who had Iroh. I just want to know about him and his life!!! :raritydespair:

Because the Fire Nation didn't betray them, they took control of them. Remember Azula had control over the Dai Lee, hence my saying never trust anyone with control over them.

One was a manipulative a:yay:shole, and two were crazy a:yay:s bi:yay:ches.

Again I never said it was bad, I really enjoyed it but I just thought that Air was better, and understanding why just backs it up.

Spirits was entertaining, and had plenty of awesome world building, Air was just all around amazing (still miss Pro Bending :fluttercry:), and so far Change is proving to be nothing short of pure awesome!

3461520 I know, it's just not too many people are as forgiving when it comes to Spirits. As far as Air goes I liked it. I know people got tired of Republic City, but I'll say that it stayed as long as it needed to. It IS an impressive backdrop and does help keep in mind just how far the universe has come in terms of technology and advancement.

Also Amon really was the best villain Korra has had so far(Still waiting to see what the Frightful Four this season is gonna do) because he was more layered than Unalaq was. He was a bender that wanted everyone to be equal. If he COULD give bending I'd say he would try to make everyone benders, but since he couldn't do that went with taking it away as the next best thing.

Air was more........ Mature I'd say in bringing up this kind of concept because like X-Men does with mutants and humans, benders and non-benders can be used to portray racial issues very well and Amon was essentially Magneto with a brilliant twist.

3461696 Last week's or this week's?

3461718 the one where they didn't just then show up in metal city

3461726 Oh................................. Look it up on youtube. It's called "In Harm's Way" and "The Metal Clan"

Agreed, overall though in my opinion Spirits was still enjoyable, just not as good as Air, but this is shaping up to be even better so far.

Only thing it's missing is Pro Bending, I mean come on, that was awesome what happened to it?

We saw it at the start of Spirits and that was it, I wanna see more it was entertaining and we all know it.

We also all know that while the Legend of Korra game that Platonism Games is making will be awesome, if they made a Pro Bending game everyone would freak out, like how they made that Quittage game, but Pro Bending.

3461989 Honestly? I miss the original Pro-Bending


That was awesome stuff, but still three elements working together towards a common goal, the Pro Bending done in Republic City is overall an analogy for the purpose of the world, the elements being in harmony.

Also it's just fun to see them toss each other into the water.

3461989 A Pro Bending video game would be nice, as long as they didn't make it feel repetetive.

3462148 So... online multiplayer?

3461681 Never thought of it that way... neat.
Also, according to TvTropes Zaheer's Gang is going to go by the name of the Red Lotus (probably why the background symbol in the trailer is a red version of the White Lotus icon)

3462476 Maybe some online play, but as CoD shows, when you only focus on one aspect of the game, the other aspects suffer greatly.

3462116 3462148 3462476

Also just for some shameless self promotion while I'm thinking about it :twilightsheepish:


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