Comments ( 22 )
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Not gonna lie, from the moment they came into her throne room I was saying, "Do it, do it, kill her now!" and when it happened I was more then pleased...

Am I a bad person because of that? I mean it was a pretty gruesome way to go, but that queen was a freaking b:yay:tch.

In other news, next time I'm at some kind of nerd meet up I think my pick up line will be, "Are you Zaheer? Cause you took my breath away."

Also, kinda understanding the transition to digital now, that is easily PG territory, not TV-Y7.

But back to the point, does enjoying that make me a bad person?

3519960 I do to.... Seriously they are LITERALLY showing someone being suffocated on screen!

It wasn't even her being suffocated, it was the air being pulled out of her lungs!

Her eyes bulging before the end, just wow. :applejackunsure:

But, at least she's gone, the most hated person from Avatar, I mean she was really only there to be a b:yay:tch and die.

3520037 Yeah..... Maybe the switch to online was a good call after all. I mean we're still GETTING the episodes, it's better than what happened with Young Justice over at Cartoon Network which just got straight up cancelled

Also here's something that may interest you

3519960 Not really. She was doing things that were clearly immoral. Yes, she probably didn't deserve to die, but if death was the only way to prevent her from being able to continue her regin of tyranny, then Zaheer was doing the world a public service.

3520103 Considering it lead to looting and chaos........... Yeah it was the lesser of two evils to be sure.

3520690 Not only looting and chaos, but at least half of her subjects lived in poverty with no hope of things getting better.

3520695 Bolin for Earth King! Come on, he couldn't do THAT much worse..... Besides actors becoming politicians is nothing new.

3520733 Considering Soka of all people became a part of Republic City's security, anything is possible.

3520829 And this would of course be the Earth Kingdom's new anthem

3520860 Yup. With some alterations of course.


Who's gonna fight for friends and freedom, Bolin!

He's the biggest, baddest, bendingnest, man we know!

Who protects the earthy kingdom, Bolin! Battling bad guys causing people woes!

When anyone starts trouble, he'll punch 'em into dirt! He's Bolin, the King of the Earth!

3520877 3520878
I love the fact that this thread turned from, "Am I a bad person?" to, "BOLIN FOR KING!"

All I can say is, if he becomes king, he'd better have Opel as his Queen.

Those two are just to sweet together. :rainbowkiss:


Totally on board for this :pinkiehappy:

Although Emperor Bolin sounds cooler...

3520037 The most hated....more than ozai, azula (which nobody actually disliked, but let's pretend), more than those girls who bullied toph in tales of ba sing se? More than Sozin after what he did to Roku?

In other news, this seems to confirm my theory that the way monk gyatso killed that room full of firebenders was through sucking the air out of the room. A pretty gruesome sacrifice

And real talk here, since last week I was freaking wondering....HOW THE BEEPING HECK WASN'T KORRA ABLE TO FIREBEND THE LEATHER, AND BURN IT? I mean, we've seen Iroh bend through his nostrils (to heat up the handcuffs, and to heat water)l, seriously!

Well, yeah she should be more hated, because the others had character, they had reasons to exist (or in the case of the bullies they were only there for one short part of a single episode so who really cares?), her reason to exist was to add an obstacle to Korra getting the air benders, and to just be an overall elitist b:yay:tch.

Everyone else had a reason, but she just was a throw away character, meant to exist for the sole reason of being evil.

I'd make a Sombra joke here, but

1. They're overdone at this point.

2. I never really liked them all that much, I mean yeah there was basically no character to him but you gotta admit the concept was at the very least interesting.

and 3. Comparing her to him would just be cruel, at least Sombra was a threat beyond being an ass.

Also didn't you see the Hannibal Lector mask? Think that's what was stopping her, or it could be that she doesn't know how, remember Iroh being able to do that is what got him his nickname of, "The Dragon of the East," so probably not a common skill among fire benders.

As a side note, that theory about Gyatso is something I can get behind.

As a traineac, and huge fan of The Galaxy Railways, I love a heroic sacrifice, reminds me of Casey Jones (the actual person), and about 90% of the deaths in TGR.

3521657 Now that I think about it, the earthbenders in the original series weren't really expecting it. Still, it's gotta be very unpleasant, your nostrils filling with fire. I mean, with every other firebending move you're projecting the fire in front of you....

This definitively has a silence of the lamb vibe to it.

Real talk here though, I think there's one character who I hate more than the queen, and it isn't Hama (if you did get tortured most every day for years wouldn't you get a little crazy?) It's the man who killed Katara's mother.

I mean sure, you could just say he was following orders, but every other character had an excuse, like Azula was bended by her father, Ozai also had daddy issues with power hungry thrown in, Zuko also....Oh, I think I see the theme about the firelord's family. Hama was tortured. And the girls were just huge jerk asses. But what makes me pissed off about the man who killed Kya is, he is literally a karma houdini. For all we know he was never punished. I get the theme of that whole episode is "Letting go of the past", but still, he literally offered his own mother! (Who mistreated him but...), and he never did apologise to her, or had regret, he only said what he said to try and escape alive.

I think the Queen at least had an excuse, she saw her father being "pushed over" by the other nations (if you read the comics, they paint a different story), and she tried to be the total opposite of him, in a way, she reminds me of azula, how she wants to do what her father does, only bigger and better?

Also, I kind of am with the Red Lotus on this one, look, yada da da dada , 4 elements, balance, avatar job to maintain it, spirit world and human world together. Yeah, and their motivation doesn't justify the means, but if Republic city is a cooking pot full of all 4 nations (well, 3, 4 if you count the air temple there), with benders and non bender living together (I mean, now that season 1 is over), it's hard not to see how that couldn't work, I mean, that was the whole idea of the formation of that city...All you'd need is a president who's less of a jerkass and you'd be fine...

3521650 Wouldn't burning the mask have a chance of burning Korra's face?

in regards to the Earth Queen's... untimely demise, I admit I was really hoping that Zaheer would kill her, and when he did... well, let's just say I'm scared of Airbending now
It also makes Zaheer the first Avatar villain to kill someone onscreen (You might count Tarrlok blowing Amon and himself up, but it cuts away to the cloud after the explosion rather than showing the two getting blown to pieces, unlike here where you see the queen suffocating in very graphic detail)

And for "Korra is Batman" comparisons, Zaheer is essentially Dark Knight Rises!Bane when he took over Gotham

And I support Bolin for Earth King

Comment posted by Captain Lunar deleted Aug 10th, 2014


Personally, I'm not the kind of person who'd wish death upon somebody, even if it's someone like like the Earth Queen. It just seems mean.:fluttershysad:. But I just watched the episode today, and while I dodn't feel complete sympathy towards her, I thought mainly 2 things.

1. Airbending should only be granted towards the NONVIOLENT. :twilightoops: :pinkiegasp:
2. That Queen at least had kids, right? horribly abused, terribly frightened of her children, but SOME kind of kin, right?

If not, then she was essentially the last of her father's line (poor guy) and that was the end of royalty in the Earth Ki- OHHHHHH. :facehoof:
(Well, even if she did, I guess Zaheer & company would have just killed them or kidnapped them)
But seriously if this blows over (hehe), then who's left to rule the Earth Kingdom? :rainbowderp:

Honestly, I'd never wish death upon anyone either. I'd also never eat a panda burger, but if someone was just throwing one away. :rainbowlaugh:

Point is, I'd feel much worse if she had character beyond b:yay:tch, she was basically made for this reason.

She was just an unlikable character, she had literally no redeeming quality's.

She forced Air Benders into a private army, had poachers hunt flying bison, ate her fathers bear, she was made to have us hate her.

Also we haven't had an explanation on how anyone's gotten their airbending yet, personally I liked seeing a more offensive form of it (other then that air blade thing that could cut stone), like if we were to see a defensive form of firebending, it's interesting because we generally don't think of that type of bending acting in that way but seeing how a different mind can utilize it shows us that no matter the intended purpose you can adapt, I mean come on LAVABENDING! :pinkiehappy:

As for your note on if she has hairs, while it is sad that the King's (only his, since he was a cool guy) line end, it opens new opportunitys.

I mean, imagine it, maybe a diplomatic system like Republic City? Or maybe another nobel family stepping up?

Or maybe what everyone else is yelling BOLIN FOR KING!

Point is, it's never good to see someone die, especially like that, but when they were basically made to be hated it makes the sting much less.

I mean it, I dare you to find a single person that actually liked her.

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