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I'm not going to spoil things, but... wow

ARgh! Nick's website is Us locked! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.

3564438 And Bolin could-

And Zehere can-

And his girlfriend is...

And poor Korra, man :fluttershysad:

3564588 Yeah, poor Korra indeed.
But she'll get better... she has to

3564602 you think they'll have another season?

3564611 Season 4 was confirmed a while ago

Boy, all this season has been building up to this: Another build up for another season! :trollestia:
But at least so many questions has finally been answered. Like What's going to happen with the Earth Kingdom? Will Korra ever smile again? How about whether or not the spirits will come into play at some point during this show? Will there be another season? Will Viacom rear its ugly V-shaped head again with the show? And what will Jinora's life be life now that she's an airbending master ? Are there still more airbenders to be found? Is there still a chance that Zaheer can escape now that he's unlocked flying abilities? Will we EVER see more of Asami?

Oh, wait, those aren't answers, those are MORE friggin questions!
(Still, good episode. :twilightsheepish:)

I just wonder....How the fuck was Korra able to Go into the avatar state if the cycle was broken ?


Maybe it was like when it was Just Wan. If you listen closely, you don't hear the usual Echo of Voices when Korra was in the Avatar State. Just Korra's voice.

Also Bolin Lavabending. Did not see that Coming. Just proof more that he should be King of the Earth kingdom

And the really Fucked up part of what happened to that poison was probably MERCURY! It will be a Long Time before she ever recovers, if Ever.

3568284 I know, right? I was on the edge, because like, the only metalic looking chemical that gets absorbed by the skin, is mercury!

Do you guys know some of the side effects of mercury poisoning?

Twitching (you try bending and then your arms or posture get bent)

Impairment of walking and movement (Maybe there's a reason korra was in that wheelchair)

Depression....and some mental symptoms.

Just think about it, korra already was damn near suicidal at the end of the first series, how will a paralyzed, "useless" (in her view) korra, handle this?

3568284 But we don't have healing powers like they do in this universe, so there is a chance she'll recover quicker than you or I might. Still might take a long time, but she'll probably get better.

3584060 Does Katara cure mental problems too?

3568298 3584060 I would say it's because she's feeling replaced, the Avatar being an outdated concept, with how things ended with the airbenders(You know what I'm talking about).

Korra is also SO VERY WRONG in thinking that. Why? For one, The Avatar is essentially the Superman of their universe. Next time a big problem comes up, like MAJORLY big, she's gonna need to deal with it because for intents and purposes she is the most powerful being on the planet.

3584512 Look at her point of view.

"For 10 thousand years I have maintaned balance. Every time I was incapacitated, something bad happened, (Example the 100 year year war). Now I'm incapacitated again, what if there's a revolution? An invasion? What if spirits or another creature attack? Should it really be the task of the airbenders to deal with it? That's my job!"

And the fact that everyone is saying "We''ll handle it, don't worry". I'd imagine it makes her feel even more useless "I'm incapacitated, and they will handle this, what use am I now?".

Another question I have is, was the tear she let out a tear of joy and pride for Jinora? Or was it a tear of pain for her?

3584515 All I'm saying is, when Korra has TIME to realize this, she will be in a better state of mind.

As for the tear...... I'd say a bit of both

3584526 The thing is, I think it may harbor a suicide attempt on her part. Now that they'd show it. I think. Like in the first season, we don't know if she was going to, and for all we know the avatar state would prevent it from ever happening but.

"Heh, I won't be able to defend the world anymore, if I die, in 16 years the world will have another person ready to fight for it. Even if training, it'd still take less time that it will take for me to die naturally, what if I life 200 years too?"

3584540 Oh she was gonna off herself, very clearly in the first season. That tear? To fall from where it did? She had to be RIGHT on the edge of that cliff.

Also I doubt they'd go THAT dark with a main character, online series or not. I mean CLEARLY showing it instead of strongly hinting.

3584560 Oh I believe that she was going to off herself too. I just think nick would go "Oh, you can't do that", and, in universe, the avatar state would probably stop her.

Of course, if she's in a wheelchair, and her bending is affected, there doesn't seem to be a easy way to do it.

She could learn to bend with her face, like Bumi (the mad king, not the whacco commander)

3584570 I think she'll be somewhat fine by Book 4, at least enough to walk.

Also, going back to my Superman and The Avatar analogy.... Korra is in a VERY Superman-like position right now. Superman has ALWAYS struggled with finding a place in society. Being a superhero is the easiest way to do that, but he still feels alienated at times or that he's not doing ENOUGH to help. Korra is currently in the same boat. Alienated because she's no longer the latest in a long line of Avatars, she's the first in a NEW line of Avatars. She feels like she's not doing enough to help despite the power she has. That's Superman stuff. To quote the Man of Steel himself

"All those things I can do... All those powers, and I couldn't even save him"

3584582 Well yeah but superman is a dick. Korra isn't.

The thing with both of them is that they're not the only one of them with those super powers. Korra is just able to bend all 4 elements, but many people can bend one element. Superman isn't the only super powered person (alien?) in the world. There are even some aliens, like him, who defend the world. And there are a lot...and I mean a lot of kripton members who somehow got away. So he isn't exactly alone.

They feel alienated (heh, no pun intended) but both have a role in society. And both have the potencial for great evil and great good. It's not black and white, even their own good, causes destruction and grief. Think back to the first episode.

"but they were extorquing that shop keeper"

"It looks like you did a lot more than that."

It's why a city environment is always restrictive, Man of Steel, the movie, had damages in the billions!


Well yeah but superman is a dick. Korra isn't.

Superman isn't reallly mean, he just feels isolated because he thinks no one understands what it's like to be him. The fact that he only has an image of his birth father, Lois Lane, and (depending on the universe/timeline) one/both of his foster parents to talk to for advice, makes it worse. Especially because they each have their own limits that prevent them from seeing things from Superman's point of view.

As "Injustice: Gods Among Us" showed, Superman has also never felt true vulnerability. If he were to experience it, he would likely snap big time.

Korra has a lot of people to talk to for advice, and support. Plus, as far as back as the first season she felt truly helpless.

3584891 It was a reference to a website which shows old silver age comic covers where superman seems dickish and outright evil. While if you google the titles context will show he's (most times) justified, it's funnier if you don't, and just look at him. is the site, I think.

Korra has zuko, katara, and possibly toph in the future, who met and traveled with her previous life, and offer guidance. She also has tenzin, and lin. But she doesn't have acess to her past lifes, the thing that guided aang, even up to the final episode.

And how does superman thinks no one understands him? I'm not the biggest comic book buff, but haven't some of the other members of the dc universe lost everything that matters to them. Don't some of them possess so much power they restrict themselves? Seems a tad egocentrical.

3584929 Superman has evolved as a character a LOT since then. Also, those were random instances.

Also not EVERY member of the Justice League are the LAST of their kind and part of a functionally extinct race. Yeah there's Supergirl, his cousin, and Martian Manhunter, the LAST Martian, but still.

3585005 But still. they keep altering the continuities, I don't even know if the classic origin, applies today.

But most of them did have a tragic backstory, it's what pushes them into superheroism, the desire for justice. I think. Don't know, experience comes mostly from DCAU.

Returning to Korra, she is the last of her type. Or the first of her kind. Apparently, she was the last one before her connection was severed. So she is aware of her legacy and what she is missing. The fat avatar, Aang, Kyoshi, Wan, Roku.....I feel like, for her, it's worse, because it isn't just her people or her culture that were removed. It was a part of her.

Really I feel like the better character to compare to sups, would be Aang, he is the last of his people, after all.


Anyone else thing Jinorra looked almost disturbingly like Aang from the original series when she stood up with no hair.

If it weren't for the obvious , her being a girl, I'd swear it was Aang standing there and not his granddaughter.

Am I the only one who feels this intensely about television characters?

3674711 Not you're not. It's a sign that the creators are doing their job, we should be able to feel like the characters are real.

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