Comments ( 5 )
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Season 4, October 3rd, available to anyone with internet access (Thankfully that's one less TV show to worry about once I lose my cable :pinkiehappy:)

*checks Avatar wiki* huh neat, strange that we only know the name of the third episode and not the first two

3642327 Well, it looks like Nick isn't going to bother trying to get Korra back on the airwaves. I know they're likely trying to avoid controversy, but after everything they've done with Spongebob over the years I'm pretty it's become obvious that the censors don't care.

a year between seasons 2 and 3, practically, and then, 3 months between seasons 3 and 4? Nick really wants to hurry korra and go back to fart jokes.

3643037 Yeah. It's a shame to think that they've sunk so low that they can't recognize good shows from bad shows anymore. :ajsleepy:

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