Comments ( 47 )
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3658436 Looks like pro-bending is coming back. And we're going to find out just what Toph has been getting up to since she quit being Chief of Police.

And it looks like Korra will eventually recover from the mercury poisoning.

We also will meet Zuko's daughter by the looks of things, and finally get to know who Zuko married. If this is going to be a the final season then it looks like it will go out with a bang

3658488 Yes. Now if only Nick would let the series air on t.v. instead of just leaving it on the web. It's really a shame that they can't see what should be obvious.

3658436 3658482 Korra's cut her hair........ She's going into survival training in a swamp............... SHE'S DONE FUCKING AROUND NOW! SHE'S GOING LUKE SKYWALKER NOW!!!!

With all the shit that happened during S2 and 3 can you blame her? She broke at the end of S3, she needs to find herself.

3658588 HELL NO I DON'T!!! THIS IS THE KORRA I WANNA SEE AFTER BOOK 3!!!!!! Hard core bad ass mode.


She will have a long way to go to get there it seems. Korra is probably going to have the most amount of character development in the series, surpassing even Zuko. *grin* Speaking of who, I am going to be quite pleased when Mike and Bryan give another finger to the Zutarians

3658585 And I thought the first 3 books of Last Airbender were the classic Star Wars triology.

So... Korra going on a spirit journey.



Airbender Squirrel Suits



AVATAR STATE TELEPORT?! (that's what it looked like to me)


Yeah, this season's going to be awesome.


"They waited 3 years so Jinora could have hair again, mostly"

Hum, that Indiana Jones/uncharted guy? Seems to be the earth queen's sucessor.....

Hum....I wonder how' s Rohan, is he the newest hum.....youngest airbender, who fartbends?"

3658843 Uncharted guy 4 Earth King.

also, doesn't this trailer kind of make Kuviera look like Avatar 'verse! Hitler?

3658919 Oh he has a name? Oh hum, I didn't get in too much fandom or wiki reading, this past year. Well, buck that guy, the people want Bolin!

3658923 No, that's not his name. Kuviera is the chick from the season 3 finale that saved Tonraq from falling off the cliff, and appears to be the one leading the "Earth Kingdom" army

3658935 Well you know how LOK goes. "Yeah, see, we had an invading fire nation in TLA and it was popular, now we need a dickish power-hungry villain every time we do a show!"

Given that the Earth Queen is dead, with no known heir, and the Red Lotus making a mess of the government, there would be bound to be a fight for the Earth Throne. Guess the A-Plot is the Earth Kingdom Civil War

3658958 Maybe Bosco will take the reigns? Okay, that's dumb. I don't know about that, I mean, I think we're focusing too much on the Earth nation, I mean, it is pratically the focus of most seasons of both shows (well, not the focus but the first two seasons of ATLA, excluding the first two and last two episodes of the first, then season 3....4?), I want to get an industrialized fire nation!

According the rumors, the Earth Queen ate him.

Maybe will see more of the Fire Nation, the trailer does show the current Fire Lord, Zuko's currently unnamed daughter.

3658971 Timestamp, please? I was focused on Korra with an opal like haircut. Will she be named "Honora"?

1:49-1:50, the woman wearing glasses next to Zuko. She has the Fire Lord's head piece. There is nothing on the Avatar wiki indicating her name, personally I'm more focused on who her mother is.



She kind of looks like Zhu-Li, maybe it's the glasses?

Well, I doubt it's Mai, they broke up in the comics, didn't they? Azula? Toph, in one of her promiscuous adventures? Song? That girl from Ba Sing Se?

The shippers are going to go wild, aren't they? And most of them will take a gander at Zutara

3659004 Well, the comics took place 70+ years prior to Korra, so Mai and Zuko might have gotten back together.
Azula? :pinkiesick:

3659011 It's shippers, it doesn't have to make sense.

I'd like to hear about Tai-lee, I mean, obviously chi-blocking got off somehow, after she taught it to the kyoshi warriors, so....who knows?

It could still be Mai, if they got back together. I doubt it's Azula, the whole incest thing would keep it from happening, or Katara since there is no evidence that she divorced or cheated despite what the Zuatarians want to think. Personally I lean towards Jin aka The Girl From Ba Sing Sae, or Toph.

Point, considering the stuff the zuatarians pull to make it work with LoK.

3659017 "Oh hey, Lin? Apparently I'm your sis, union! Balance, the whole shabang! That means the Beifong family rules the fire nation, a mostly independent town in the earh kingdom and more! Isn't that great?"

I may be grasping straws but comparing the "Honoria" and Lin, there is bit of a resemblance in the chin and hair... beyond that nothing until we get canon confirmation. Though going by ages, I think twin sister

3659031 If that gets old badass Toph with the experience of King Bumi, she might even have been a Siamese, for all I care. I want Toph back!

I want 12 year old Toph back, all 4' nothing of complete and utter badassery

3659039 Heh, I want to see what she would look like, now. Katara looks like her grandma, Lin already looks kind of old, so what would Toph look like? And would she have 6 fingers?

Toph would look like Tough from Ember Island Players

3659044 Screaming and all? That'd be fun.

Considering we haven't seen neither Sokka, Suki, Mai, Tai Lee, Azula, or anyone besides those two, I'm guessing they're probably not going to show up. Although....."Toph is traveling, not one has heard of her in years", I can just picture it, LOTR or Braveheart battle starting and then the earth rumbles, a huge wall appears, dividing them.

"Enough! Twinkle Toes made me promises to keep peace, and that's what I am going to do, balance, etc etc!"

According to the wiki Sokka is dead, and and supposedly apart from Katara, Zuko and apparently Toph the rest of AtLA era characters are gone

3659070 Ah, but that reduces our water tribe awesomeness by half, well, there's still korra, but still. I feel like this was done in order to let Katara have her little speech "My generation has done it's share, it's now time for your Generation", etc.

Well....I wonder who got the task of removing the crown piece from Azula.

"You go!"

"No! You go!"

"She'll throw fire at me, are you bollocks?"

"Aren't you a firebender?"

Unless she dropped it before the agni-kai, I am not sure

Looking at the clips, she wasn't wearing it during the Agni Kai.


The cray cray probably dropped it, before hand.

"I'm sorry it has to end that way...."

"No. You aren't"

I was half expecting the agni-kai music to start playing and break the mood back then "chuca chuca"

Anyway, I'm sure there are some people already who are rationalizing this

"You see Toph was born blind, so she has a genetic eye condition, Zuko's daughter wears glasses, dimished eyesight! It all fits! Zutoph (or whatever you call it) confirmed!"

Toko is the preferred term, and yes Toko is one of my main ships along with JinKo (Jin and Zuko) and Zuki (Zuko and Suki).

3659099 Actually, they never crowned her; she waved the Fire Sages off to go fight Zuko

And off the topic of ships, you want to know what I want to see? Zuko and Uncle Iroh reunion. Since the Spirit portals are open, it's possible Zuko could go and meet him somewhere in the spirit world

3659104 Ship whatever you like, just don't do Zutara, or you will be consumed by the flaming. If I had to be honest Zuko x Toph seems like a likely pair, Toph was the first to trust him, she wanted to go on a "lonely adventure with him", they are similar in personality....and so on

3659108 Oh I think it'll happen, I think they are saving it for the final shot, sort of like the finale of the original series, ya know? Everyone, in the spirit world, reminscing about, and just messing around Bolin as sokka, Mako as Zuko (apparently, I dunno), Zuko and Iroh sharing a look, Korra looking at from a cliff, etc. It would be swell, I don't know, The only time I shipped anyone in avatar was sort of a Bolin x Korra, but that was because mako was being a douche, and Bolin seemed like the nicer guy, then came the whole Asami-korra-mako, thing, and now Bolin seems to have Opal. So....

Yes I want to see that, or Iroh meeting Iroh

I am not a zutarian, and never will be, I find them too damn crazy and unfornatently they have latched onto Tenzin/Lin thus making a mockery of another three characters. The likely women would probably be Mai, Toph, Ty Lee, or Suki, though the writers could throw a curve ball.

3658620 I'm gonna go on a limb and say that most of the Korra doing the Swamp training is gonna be told from flashback. I mean it's 13 episodes and it's meant to be 3 years later............... Doubt they'll have Korra out of it for long.

3659145 Maybe the Spirit world works like "Year outside, hour inside"? Like, Korra goes for her spirit journey and then comes out and is all like "Hey, what's up?" and everyone's like "Where were you for the last three years?"

3660046 More or less, but in reverse (time passing slowly outside the Spirit world rather than inside)

3660064 Well, I hadn't thought of that! I was hoping that the "swamp" was the one from Season 2 of ATLA, to see that other water tribe (which we haven't seen yet), but heh, that works too.

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