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Another week and another episode, and Toph remaining awesome. Good episode and raising some interesting points about the past villains

3732246 I also love the fact that they reference that what the past villains wanted WASN'T bad in and of itself, just that they took it too far. I will say this, Korra's villains ARE more layered than Ozai was. Ozai was just a dictator, plain and simple, a last boss.

Toph said it herself

"Amon wanted equality for all, Unalaq brought back the spirits, and Zaheer wanted freedom."

Putting it like THAT those aren't BAD things... Just in true villain fashion they took those ideas to the Nth degree which naturally made things bad. Too much of a good thing and all that.

Amon was also a hypocrite, Unalaq allied himself with embodiment of evil, and Zaheer didn't think though the consequences of his actions.

3732470 True, but again that goes with taking their ideologies too far. They really are like dark reflections of The Avatar in what they stand for

Both points are valid, and given history and human nature all three of them would probably be killed by their own revolution within 10 years.

3732500 True. Also can I just say that when Korra was seeing those visions and got the poison out this was playing through my head?

Because when in doubt bring in John Williams. About the poison, it still hasn't been said in canon what it is, right?

3732658 Nope... It's clearly mercury

That's what the wiki says, and the symptoms do line up. Of course if it was anyone but the Avatar they would be dead with that much Mercury in their system.

Toph truly has wise words to say, behind her cranky attitude. It's incredibly amazing. "You can’t expect to deal with future enemies if you’re still fighting the old ones…" That not only is a strong note for Korra to consider, but also something someone watching can relate to.

She also is so right in saying the villains all truly had good intentions... but their balance was off. They all wanted too much of one thing and suffered in the end for their errors. And Korra can learn from what her enemies did and discover the important aspects that need to be balanced in order to bring balance back to the world

Is it just me but the final scene seems to imply Toph is setting out to die in her sleep? Surely It's me, no? "I need some peace and quiet" and the fade away?

Besides that, extremists, they were clearly in the wrong eventually.

Not me, I'm still expecting her to appear in Republic City to help kick some ass

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