Comments ( 9 )
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They're finally bringing in ninjas.... :rainbowderp:.......... Full on actual ninjas in Avatar....... :twilightoops:....... My reaction?

With that I leave you with this

Two things:

1) Is this a new trilogy
2) You double posted

*looks it up* Gosh Darn it to Heck, a new trilogy that we will have to wait a year to see. Still nice to see them bring Mai back

3850875 Press release

Smoke and Shadow -- to be released as three volumes before being collected into a single hardcover edition -- follows the events of "The Rift," shifting the focus back on the Fire Nation and a segment of the population none too happy with the rule of Fire Lord Zuko. Some malcontents have even set up a new rebellion called the New Ozai Society -- headed up by none other than Zuko's ex-girlfriend's father."

Also... Dammit :facehoof:

So continuing the plot set out by a comic given out on Free Comic Book Day back in 2013. Not a bad idea really, and might answer the burning question in the fandom: Who did Zuko marry

3850902 Until we get conformation otherwise... I'm still assuming he got back together with Mai again at some point.

I'm fine with that. While I am more for Toko, Zuki, and Jinko, I'll go for anything that annoys and otherwise pisses off the zutarians

Ninjas... damn
3850907 It is said in the descriptions that Mai still has feelings for Zuko... so... we'll just have to see how that plays out.

3850911 Oh yeah :coolphoto:

3851003 Yup... Ninjas

As far as that.... Well Zuko's got a daughter... I mean yeah I can see them avoiding who got Toph knocked up... And given her overall personality I would not be at all surprised if Lin and Suyin were the result of a couple of one night stands, but unlike Toph Zuko HAS a verified love interest in Mai

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