Comments ( 23 )
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Group Admin

When I created the group, I had two folders: an Airbender folder and a Korra folder.

I just realized that Fimfic did not save these changes. :ajbemused:

So, I have now created these folders! I shouldn't have to explain what they're for and what to do with them. :twistnerd:

1288268 Looks like we've already gotten our first story. :eeyup:

Still waiting for that promised second season of Legend of Korra involving spirits.

Group Admin

1288635 I should probably also move that story to the specific folder as well.

Second season? Hell I want to see the promised 4th season. Anything to take out minds off the mess Shamaladingdong made of the series.

1289588 Yeah I even have a great idea for the fourth and final book.

Book 4; Air

With the war now over Aang and the gang learn that a group of Air Nomads survived the Fire Nation's attack but remained hidden out of fear that the Fire Nation would attack again. Now as the Air Nomads struggle to reconnect with society the four nations must put aside their differences as they work to create a new city for all benders.

And Sokka learns how to water bend. Though he still prefers his trusty bommerang. :rainbowlaugh:

Err... Book One of LoK was called Air, the comics are filling in some of the gaps, and making Sokka a bender takes away his Sokkaness

Group Admin

I'd like to not only have the comics animated, but also have a season summarizing more of how Republic City came to be.

For example, how Toph went from "Yeah, let's break some rules!" to leading the metalbending police and enforcing the law.

I suppose more about the history if Republic City will be revealed as the series goes on. And if another comic trilogy comes out after the current one ends.

Group Admin

1289826 I want the third comic now… :raritydespair:

The Search has to end first, and I really hope it ends well

Group Admin

1290375 Katara in the first ep of Korra got cut off by a certain grandchild about a certain thing we want to know…

Which we will find out sometime by the end of the summer, assuming last part of The Search ends with finding her.

Group Admin

1290518 If so, the fandom shall rejoice. :moustache:

Until they remember that their ship may not have happened

Group Admin

1290569 And we must find out Toph's husband. :moustache:

Perhaps for the best we shouldn't, the shipping wars are bad enough

Group Admin

1290629 Just wants to see all the butthurt. I just want a confirmation. :rainbowkiss:
I mean, we all know it's not Sokka.

And some will argue with you on that.

Group Admin

1290652 I doubt Tenzin and Lin would date as cousins… :duck:

*decides he should start backing away from this conversation*

And some would still argue otherwise

Group Admin

1290672 Then again, with ships like… SA X TS out there, I doubt the simple title of "cousin" would stop a shipper.

Group Admin

1290708 This is when I abandon ship to stop talking about ships. :rainbowkiss:

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