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Group Admin

I had a sudden realization that this group has kinda died for a while.
How about this, we'll start by introducing ourselves to our fellow bending fanatics?

I'll start.

I am MoldyShishkabob, an "author" here on Fimfic who is too lazy to get anything done. I also like complaining and sometimes manage to unintentionally ask too many questions in some sort of attempt to dodge questions. I've been banned from Fimfic by knighty twice; the first ban was a stupid mistake and the second was "spamming" when I was promoting this group. I actually never got to see Avatar until June of this year, when I decided that enough was enough, and borrowed some episodes from my brother to watch.

It's funny how a fresh fanatic like me manages to be the founder of this group… :applejackconfused:

Yes, and this one is Eru Iluvatar.
I was going to write a fic... twice, but I never got around to it.
Not having a lot of time, I can't get much done.
Blarg, I don't know where to go with this so I'm going to keep typing till I think of something.
I moderate several groups, and I'm currently applying to be a judge for the FoE group and their X00 group writing competitions.

Hello I am Celestia's Paladin, I have been a Brony for nearly 2 years, and I have followed Avatar since it first came out on Nick. I have all three seasons of AtLA in DVD and the first season of LoK on Blu-Ray, though the favorite part of my collection are the hardbound anthology of The Promise and the art books for AtLA and LoK-S1.

Well, then I'm Miss Dark Angel, that random person in the corner watching everyone else have fun while eating Oreo cookies. I've been an Avatard far longer than a Brony, and will love Avatar more than ponies forever. Legend of Korra is good, too, but it's not really the same. I hate Mako; Mako gives the real Mako a bad name. I never hated a character in Avatar before until now.

I write stuff. I've even written for Avatar, mostly Azula stories. Most of them sucked, but I'm trying to be a better writer. :P

1454514 Well I'm Sweetiebellema121the birthday game maker:moustache: I've written three stories but have yet to finish any of them:fluttershyouch: as for Avatar I watched them in a backwards order in which I watched the 3rd season first and the first last:rainbowlaugh: the third season was the best season:moustache:

Group Admin

1454582 I didn't know you moderated.

Just FYI, you have my vote for a VoE admin.

1454599 I've been a brony for over a year. I started in May of 2012, when I was having difficulties with studying for one of my finals.

1454656 Avatar > Ponies 5eva

1454711 The second season has three of my favorite episodes, but I liked the third season most overall.

I probably should mention that I do have two AtLA fics written, one if a redo of Sozin's Comet that cross AtLA with Sailor Moon, the other was going to be a Zuko/Toph/Jin ship fic that I just couldn't finish

Roarin Thunder
Group Admin


I am Roarin Thunder!
A writer and a friend of all!

Remember his fluffiness well for it shall haunt all your nightmares! >:D

Hi everyhuman, my name's InkTapper another procrastonistic writer here on FIMfiction. I like Avatar: the last Airbender better than The legend of Korra, and love drawing, acting, and obviously writing.
And on a seperate note, Toph is best pony.

That is all.

Name's SuperPinkBrony12 I've been a brony for over two and a half years. I love both ATLA and ATLOK and I've seen both.

I've written a lot of fanfics though none featuring Avatar yet.

I pretty much just enjoy writting whatever fics I feel like doing. I've got a little something for everyone.

The third picture... if Toph can be summed up in one picture, that's the picture

1455467 indeed, if she ever made that face to me, I'd be like

Group Admin

1455087 He's not fluffeh 'nuff.

1455346 When isn't Toph best pony?
Then again, there's also Uncle Iroh.

1455426 What genre of fiction do you enjoy the most? What about which one you've enjoyed writing the most?


1456294 I think I like Comedy best. But I also love stories where you can induce some feelings. Crossovers are also fairly enjoyable, especially when it's with a show that's not crossedover often.

Group Admin

1456527 Comedy has always been my favorite out of anything. Whether it was a book or a movie, comedy was always the one thing that I looked for.

1456294 Toph isn't best pony when she's busy being best something else.

Group Admin

1457061 Toph is best everything.

1457118 you are wrong about one thing. You see,
Toph is not Toph

Oh, and I forgot to mention it, but I've been watching Avatar ever since it came out.
After the third season ended, I waited years for a direct sequel. TLoK was cool, but I still want to know what happened to Zuko's mom.
PS. Toph made me want to be an earth bender.

1457217 Toph makes everyone want to be an earth bender.

Group Admin

1457210 Toph is best not-Toph.

1457217 I know, right? Earthbending would be so cool.

I actually thought that it would be pretty nice when Bumi appeared. Then, everything changed when Toph Beifong attacked.

1457217>>1457303 Even without the inclusion of metal bending, I think it's safe to say that Toph brought a whole new level to earth bending.

Group Admin

1457313 Bumi may bend with his FACE, but Toph more than compensates for that awesomeness.

We're find out in The Search, a canon comic series that would be wrapping in October.

Toph is the Avatar of badassitude.

Empirical evidence.

Group Admin

1457407 You got one thing wrong.

Calling Toph an Avatar is way too restrictive of what Toph really is.

But "Badassitude" is so vague, it covers a whole range of things.
(That was redundant)

Group Admin

1457449 You're being silly. Even its range is not enough for Toph.

1457333 Bumi may bend with his face, but he's not a 12 year old blind girl who invented metal-bending.

Do we even know she can't? Maybe she just didn't try yet?

1457593 that is a good point. Oh wait. She can bend with her head. Remember The Runaway? All she had to do was nod her head and the die rolled at her will.

Look at that, she's the best.:rainbowkiss: I'm not really surprised though.:rainbowwild:
Kinda obvious.

1457624 true dat, lol. Also, this.

Group Admin

>sees picture

Sounds painful.

Group Admin

1459169 That's why Aang bolted.

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