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Group Admin

(Copy/paste from Villains of Equestria)

This is a tale of a strange game cartridge given to me by a friend…

One day in my younger years, I was visiting a friend for some retro gaming. We were playing all kinds of PS1 and N64 games until we got to his Donkey Kong 64 game. The cartridge seemed off. Curious, the two of us studied the cartridge and found a few discrepancies. For one, Donkey Kong's eyes seemed to follow every movement we made; my friend swore he saw the ape blink; the "4" on the cartridge was now a "6"; there was a tiny little "6" right after the first "6." Scared to death of it, we did the logical thing and put it in the N64, playing it and being murdered by an eyeless Donkey Kong with blood pouring out of his eyes went into the backyard and burned it.

The end.

Now that I've basically posted what my opinion of creepypastas are, what are your thoughts on such tales?

1518485 Boring copypaste story bullshit.

Like MLD rip offs.

Your friend is full of himself

Group Admin

1518496 The only thing I get scared of are jump scares.
Oh yeah, and venomous things.

Otherwise, it's not thrilling.

1518509 y u sey dat

Group Admin

1518526 >implying this story isn't an absolute fabrication

Sounds like a BEN ripoff.

Group Admin

1520039 Sounds like a generic creepypasta ripoff/spoof.

1521518 I watched Creepygaming (I think that's what it's called) talk about various stuff like Tails Doll and Sonic.exe, but I kept a straight face through it. Heck, I was internally laughing.

The only thing I wish happened was a jump scare. That's all that will ever get me.

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