Comments ( 8 )
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You do realize it's about the movie that we shall not talk about directed by who will be forever known as Shamaladingdong

Yes, I just want to see him tear it to shreds. :flutterrage:

1673056 Awesome and pretty funny review. That movie sucked balls.

Group Admin

This review had everything.
Cabbage guy
Foaming mouth guy
Spoof of intro and (more hilariously) the outro.
Legend of Korra (Amon)
Misspelling of names

Twas perfect!:yay:

That movie mispronounced almost EVERY important character's name....

What the hell is wrong with Shamaladingdong?

He was even nominated for several awards because of this masterpiece:

Scroll to the bottom and look at the chart about The Last Airbender

It won 5 Golden Raspberries.

I can't believe I had the wrong link posted this entire time, and I hadn't even seen the actual review. So that's the nostalgia Critic wasn't in it.

I feel like such an idiot. :facehoof:

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