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I don't know how this isn't a thread but what's the best episode in your opinion? Any episode from any season and either series.

Personally I say it's Sokka's Master. It's the only one that I watch whenever it's on. I love Sokka getting a new skill and his master is probably the best. Also his sword is a meteorite. Is there anything cooler then a blade forged by the heavens? I always love those. What I'm saying is if I could only watch one episode ever again this is thew one I'd choose.What about you all?

Pirate Jesus
Group Contributor

The four part series ender was amazing, but I'm not sure if that counts since it isn't one specific episode. Zuko Alone was awesome.

Zuko Alone is a great one. Probably top five.

All of the, for they are all great.
But Maybe the series Finale, was one of the best endings ever.

1753731 I've never really had a favorite, but I guess one I always enjoy seeing is the series finale of TLA.

Also, if I remember correctly, meteorites are actually made of some pretty fragile metals and attempting to make a blade from them would result in a weak blade indeed. But I could be wrong… :derpytongue2:

Well in real life they're either silicate minerals or iron and nickle so nothing all that special. But in fiction well look at Sokka's blade, look at Starfang in Dragon Age, look at Starmetal in Fallout Equestria. Mythology also heck it's said the first blade was forged with a meteor (I think I don't remember exactly). In fiction a meteor blade holds special property's. And it wouldn't be anything special but a sword made from a meteor would still be cool to have.

1753731 I don't know if I have a favorite but according to The Nostalgia Critic most fans consider the episode with Aang and Zuko's backstories to be the best episode.

I think perhaps the one that really sticks out the most to me is the one right before the finale when Zuko and Katara go on a trip to hunt down the firebender who killed Katara's mother. And in the end Katara learns that revenge and murder is not the answer. Which ends up shaping Aang's policy against Ozai in the series finale.

There's also the first season finale considering what happens to Sokka. Admit it that scene makes you want to cry.

Group Admin

1753731 I'd say that picking a favorite episode in this particular fandom should pretty much be impossible.

If I absolutely had to choose, though, I'd go with Zuko Alone followed closely by Tales of Ba Sing Se.

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