Comments ( 23 )
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Which would you choose?

I'd choose either Earth or Fire.

Roarin Thunder
Group Admin

1817616 Water because Icy Spears of death!

1817616 I'd choose water after all being able to freeze people and not drown in water would be a great ability:twilightsmile:

Everyone's forgetting the extension of Earth Bending perfected by Toph, known as Metal Bending.

Me personally I'd pick Air Bending, it's quite useful for getting around . Water Bending's pretty good for those who like to be defensive. Earth Bending has its uses but it's a bit limited. And Fire Bending is purely offensive which makes it hard to control.

Group Admin

1817616 Do I even need to say it?

1817659 Why you littleā€¦! :twilightangry2:

1817616 fire, because then I get lightning. that and depending on how good I am I could use the flame propulsion to fly.

second would be air, creating tornadoes and shit

Earthbending. Who does not want his/her own entire city, complete with metal decorations and structures as well?

1817616 Fire = don't mess with me
Also "Fireworks!!!!" :raritystarry: pretty colors of fire in the sky....

Group Admin

1818289 No, just wanting to choke somebody. :twilightsmile:

1817616 I could be a firebender and infiltrate the Fire Nation Army as a double agent. Or I could be an earthbender and learn from Toph. Spying firebender, or headstrong earthbender...

Group Admin


Waterbending. I've just always felt in tune with water. Also, bloodbending...:pinkiecrazy:

1817616 Water. I'd be an........................ Ocean Man :coolphoto:

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