Comments ( 6 )
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Alright, so it is bad that I'm happy with everything that happened with the new episode? Everything seems to be building up with something BIG and we have no idea what it will be like.

Korra has amnesia, Masami looks like it might come back and Varek is not just bat guano crazy, but a mastermind to boot!

This is gonna get good!

Your guys' thoughts?

I'm still in denial about Varrick. Please tell me its not him but Zhu Li, or Ginger, or some random employee looking for a few extra bucks (like the guy who showed Mako the detonator explosives) :pinkiesad2: :applecry: he's one of the greatest characters ever (right up in my top ten alongside Pinkie) and I don't want him to be evil. But overall great who doesn't love Nuktuk: Hero of the South?

1945215 No one. But it would be just like him to fan the flames of war to make a quick buck. Like with Pinkie Pie there's more to him then you might think.

He seems motivated by greed, not anything else. I imagine he'll be on whatever side is the most profitable at the moment. In the meantime:

1945215 I like his assistant, actually.

1946367 chaotic neutral bastard :trixieshiftright:

1946367 Yup. Greed knows no limits.

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