Comments ( 11 )
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Dear God, Wan was freaking Awesome! I had been looking forward to his eps since they were announced and they did not disapoint

1983961 You bet your sweat, sugary ass he was! :yay:

1983961 That he was!!! :pinkiehappy: Actually tonight's episodes gave me an idea for whenever LoK wraps up. They can do series based around past Avatars!!:pinkiehappy: Like pick one and go with it for a season or two.


I wouldn't mind seeing more of Wan, though Yangchen's time was not elaborated on that much

1983975 Or a series about Avatar Kyoshi would be...



True, but we at least Know some of her exploits, Yangchen's backstory's a complete mystery.

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Oct 19th, 2013

1984012 The water avatar?

I dunno. I would like to see am earth kingdom avatar more... :moustache:


Yang chen's the Air Nomad avatar before Aang

Kuruk is the water one before Korra, the one who Koh stole his wife's face.

1984047 ah yes...

The infamous mug mugger :moustache:

I thought that was what was going to happen in all honesty. I mean there's over a hundred past lives to explore but we only know a few of them.

1983961APPLE BUCKING WAN!!!!! THE VERY DEFINITION OF EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Korva.... is he... Ko?:rainbowderp:

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