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MAN IT WAS TOO AWESOME!!!!!! AND YES!!!! NO PROLONGED AMNESIA FOR KORRA!!!!!!!! I hate stories where the main character has to relearn things we already know!!!

The past four episodes haven't been all that great or had much to do with the plot in general. The Sting was a good episode, but it barely had Korra in it. I'm just hoping we get more episodes showing a more focused and mature Korra, who can still be a kickass Avatar, but not to the point of coming across as insane.

Seriously her original plan to help the South was to basically commit high treason, hijack military vehicles, and cause a three way war between the North, South, and United Republic. While it sounds awesome from an action perspective, from a logic perspective it was downright insanity!!!!

That being said I hope we get a more levelheaded, but fiery Korra. I love Korra as a character, but even I can admit she can be a little too pigheaded sometimes.

Anyway. Wan was awesome. No doubt about it. In just 44 minutes they managed to make me like, love, and then finally shed tears over this character. It usually takes at the most 3 or 4 episodes to get me to love a character that much!! His death scene was so bittersweet since while he was gone, he was but the first in a long line of kickass Avatars!!!!

So yeah, BRING ON MORE EPISODES!!! They really got the plot rolling now and I can't wait for more!!!

1988415 I agree it sounds awesome. And Korra maturing would be quite nice, just like how Aang matured in Season 2 and Season 3 of "The Last Airbender".

And did the spirits remind anyone else of Princess Celestia and King Sombra? Cause they did for me.

1990051 Raava did remind me of Celestia, but Vaatu made me think of a more extreme Discord. After all he DID say he was the Spirit of Chaos.

1990140 Yes but ultimately I think Sombra works better because of the dark powers and the fact that he is very calculating whereas Discord just does.

1990159 True enough. Although scary thought. Sombra with Discord's Chaos powers.

1990169 And intrestingly enough Raava's voice sounded similar to Princess Celestia's. But it wasn't quite spot on, so I dobut Nicoline Oliver was providing the voice.

1990184 Yeah I got a bit of that. Actually I looked up the voice actress and it was April Stewart. She's done some voiced on Regular Show, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, South Park, and Wolverine and The X-Men to name a few.

1990169 What about Pinkie Pie with... Discords... powers...

That would make an excellent story!! :pinkiehappy:

"Beginnings" was a great episode because it had a very well-written story. It tells the life of a man who did not have heroic destiny bestowed upon him, but someone who sought to change a world that was divided, both man and spirit, and man and kin.

Wan had a lot in common with Korra: good at heart, but careless with a tenancy to rush into bold plans. But unlike Korra, we got to see Wan deal with the consequences of his mistakes. Stealing from the Chou Brothers causes him to get hurt. Stealing fire from the lion turtle and revolting against the Chou's causes his banishment into the Spirit Wilds. Splitting Raava and Vaatu causes darkness and chaos, which causes suffering in the world, as well as the death of his childhood friend.

But we've seen his character grow. He learns from his mistakes and takes responsibility for them, devoting this entire life to making things right again. He learns to befriend both the spirits and meet new people in the wold, acting as the bridge between spirits and man. But neither he, nor the hundreds of avatars following, could bring peace to the world.

The episode also had breathtaking visuals, Miyazaki homages, and awesome villain, and answered so many questions about the Avatar World.

I only wish that Korra would have the chance to learn from her mistakes, so she could grow as Wan did. How good would it have been for her to lead the United Republic Navy to the South, only for it to go terribly wrong, and then Korra would realize how foolish she was and become more responsible. I think her time for acting immaturely is over, though, as she probably learned this lesson from her past self.

And finally, we know what the conflict is, as well as the big bad, which brings urgency into the plot. No doubt, Unalaq is either speaking to Vaatu or one of his underlings. I hope that the next few episodes will keep the focus on the spirits. And hopefully, Korra will finally grow up and take some responsibility.

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