Comments ( 62 )
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Honestly I thought it was a great episode. It really had a great stride between a classic Noir styled story with Mako, Asami, and Varrick and a good old fashioned fantasy on Korra's end. Really I hope this becomes a more regular thing because I love good Noir stories and they're delivering in spades on that end. Also, regular bats are confirmed as existing!
Why would I bring this up or even notice it? Well I'm planning a Batman/LoK crossover over on and I had been putting it off for a while now since I didn't want to deal with purists as saying

"NO! Regular bats don't exist, make him Wolfbatman!"

And there's no way in the gates of the Underworld am I calling something Wolfbatman.................. Despite how awesome it sounds.

2073840 Yeah................ I'm not doing that. There are around 1,000 species of bats in the world, I'm fairly certain that wolfbats are not the only species that resemble bats. Also there's these kinds of bats that would fit the world very nicely

2073832 What type of Batman are we talking about here? Comics? Animated? Tim Burton? Dark Knight? Arkum?

2073965 Nolan inspired, in terms of most of the villains and how I think they would be translated in the Avatar world. Some are easier to work in properly with little changes made, like Mr. Freeze as he could easily be made into a waterbender that specializes in using ice. However given the technology level things would have to be a bit different. I'm serious considering going with a more unique Batman origin, such as making a certain someone Batman.....................

2074015 hot damn, that was awesome!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

2074100 So, any thoughts on the Lok/Batman crossover I plan? :duck:

2074154 what roles will the other characters play, first? :trixieshiftright:

2074164 Lin and Korra both fill the role of Jim Gordon........ Just different incarnations of him. Lin fills the Year One/Arkham Origins role of Gordon, an honest cop in charge of a bunch of crooked ones who thinks "The Batman" is a dangerous vigilante that needs to be put down. Korra on the other hand is like the Jim Gordon we all know, the one that trusts Batman and helps whenever possible.

Bolin does not become Robin, contrary to what you may think. In fact he actually becomes more like Mako's Alfred in a way, mainly due to the fact I can't think of a Bat character that would fit him.

Tahno doesn't become Joker despite how similar he looks to him. No he becomes something else, something more............. Creepy

Asami eventually becomes Huntress, and Amon eventually returns, but changed. Changed into what? Well let's just say that he's found a happier outlook on life after suffering from a pretty bad day.

2074235 So who would be playing the part of Harvey Bullock? And what role will Mr. Sato be playing? :duck:

2074257 Harvey? Saikhan of course. Also Hiroshi is behind bars as this takes place AFTER the first season, within the 6 months before the Book 2 premier

2074288 so this isn't an alternate universe? Just an alt. version of book 2? Alright, but a question...

If Wolfbatman would be so awesome (it would be) then why not go for it? :rainbowhuh:

2074296 Say it out loud. Just go on. Did ya say it? Good. Now say it in a deep dark voice, akin to a Kevin Conroy or Bruce Greenwood. Not that spectacular is it?

2074312 Okay, yeah, I see your point.

But will there be anyone named Turtle Duck? Maybe Bolin, per chance? :rainbowlaugh:

2074340 No, if there's a Robin it will be called Robin. Why? Well for one, most of their birds seem to be regular birds so robin's existing doesn't seem like that much of a stretch.

2074385 Shaddup :trixieshiftleft: Also care to take a guess who becomes this dude?

2074925 How if he's The Creeper? :applejackunsure: But that is a far better idea than what I had in mind *COUGH Skoochy COUGH*

2074943 who's Scoochy? :rainbowhuh:

That street kid from one of the first episodes?

2074949 Yeah why not? He pretty much has the basics of Jason's origin up until Bruce intervenes. :trixieshiftright:

2074955 I dunno. It just seems like someone more hot headed should take that role. Someone close to Batman that needed to learn a lesson recently the hard way. Someone who's skilled in their own right.

Who do we know like that? :ajsmug:

On a side note: you think Jason would be as messed up if Bruce didn't teach him to use his anger to fuel his crime fighting as much?

2074975 Hmm, well since I've got Amon returning as The Joker(Simple enough to say he survived, but had facial damage and need plastic surgery, which leaves him smiling all the time) Tahno would fit best for this scene

And yes

2075014 Tahno fits those as well. Also Korra is one half Gordon along with Lin

2075024 What are you gonna call Red Hood!Tahno?

Blue Hood?
Winter Hood?


2075047 Red Hood. If there's a waterbending gang called Red Monsoons, then why can't he be Red Hood? Though I'd probably go for a bit of a longer name like Bloody Red Hood, but every usually shortens it to Red Hood


Simple enough to say he survived,

But... he exploded... :applejackconfused:

2075098 And Joker fell into a vat of acid. Neither of them should be alive after that, but here we are.

2075115 then does Tarlohk survive? :duck:

2075162 what about Iroh II? Nightwing, perhaps?

2075307 Actually I have something else in mind for him...........................

2078085 Basically similar to how he is in Dark Knight Returns................ Only he is NOT a puppet for the government and doesn't blindly follow orders. He just works WITH the government. Seriously that is my MAIN gripe with DKR, Miller's inability to portray Superman in a good light so he can make room for Batman to be the big bad ass.

2078127 what about Tenzin, Boomi, Kya and the kids? Will Jenora be Robin? :duck:

2078156 Yes to Jinora, the rest will be the usual. Also thoughts on Iroh as Supes?:duck:

2078200 Well, Korra is to hot headed to be Superman, so you probably have a point in not making her the big blue boyscout.

I'm actually curious on how you plan on having Tahno stand a chance against Amon :rainbowderp:
Will he learn blood bending and use it in even more brutal ways? like freezing the blood? Or tearing it out of his body?

2078221 Even if she does have the basic power-set to fill the role.

You mean how he has a chance against Joker. As for that this Joker doesn't use bloodbending for fighting, as he thinks it's not funny enough to just control people like that. He does use it to bend the blood in a person's face to leave them permanently smiling though after he kills them.

2078258 still, Amon would use his blood bending slightly in all of his fights to keep from getting hit.

Hey, you remember Isaac McDougal from FMA: Brother Hood? Is that what Tahno is gonna be like?

2078280 Didn't say he wouldn't do that, just that he's not gonna go all "Mad Hatter" on people.

No, that's more in line with Mr. Freeze. Also Tahno doesn't have his bending back in this, as he was too prideful to go to Korra to get it back.

Speaking of, McDougal, there's something I've always wondered. Is there a Scotland in the FMA world? I mean that is a SCOTTISH name. Really that's something I don't think comes up enough in FMA fanfics, alternate versions of real world countries. I mean I can easily see Amestris being Germany, like pre-Nazi Germany and Xing is obviously China. Hmm............. I gotta think on that some more.

2078346 so what? Will he raid the Future industries warehouses for equipment and stuff? Maybe pay some triad thugs to throw BatMako off of the trail in Mechatanks, maybe set up another faux revolution to distract the city, then when he's attracted the attention of Amon, he makes his move? :duck:

2078384 GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! :pinkiecrazy::flutterrage:

2078391 you should have a twist when Tahno actually kills Amon :pinkiecrazy:

2078440 Speaking of comics, have you ever heard of.............

2078543 Mr. Majestic possesses Superman level strength, speed, flight, eyebeams, a genius-level intellect, micro vision, ice breath, the ability to survive in space and is invulnerable. He can also project energy from his hands and, in one instance, used this to levitate items. His strength and durability can vary greatly from story to story, but the majority of his appearances portray him with powers fairly similar to those of Superman. Like all Kherubim, he is enormously long-lived if not immortal. Majestic is a Kherubium High Lord, though this seems to be a political or royal title rather than an indication of power.

The reason Majestic acts the way he does is because of his massive ego. He knows that he’s a full-blooded Kherubim Lord and likes others to know it too. He feels it’s his duty to protect those who aren’t as great as him, which in his eyes is everyone. In fact, he believes he’s so superior to the people on this planet that he won’t even have relationships with human women. Because he was born and trained as a Kheran Warlord, Mr. Majestic has very draconian views on the way things should be. He has power so he uses it, and he rarely, if ever, holds back against his enemies. When he was stuck in Metropolis, he took a stand against criminals in a way Superman never had, throwing them in stasis without giving them fair trials, even having to take on the Justice League when they showed their disapproval. Mr. Majestic does what he knows is right, whether other people want him to or not.

Being a scientist, Majestic is incredibly curious, which has come back to bite him more than once, most notably when his study of a Daemonite outpost resulted in him being stuck in the DC universe. Majestros invests most of his time (when not battling the forces of evil) shut off from others. He doesn't socialize with heroes or civilians and as a result is very distant. His biggest flaw is his inability to relax and get in touch with the world. One of the times he was really able to let loose and enjoy himself was when he was able to bring his son back to life, but when Majestrate died saving the world, Majestic returned to his normal self.

2078777 what about Gay Superman... I mean Apollo? :duck:

2078789 Actually despite his similar power levels, he's been relagated to being a counterpart of The Ray

2078803 I love how off topic we got, going from Avatar to Apollo :rainbowlaugh:

So why did Amon start thinking everything was a joke in the first place? :duck:
Also, how did he survive when his brother didn't?
Will his once mask be painted on his face now?
Will Mako and Tahno know how to chi-block?

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