Comments ( 62 )
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2078923 He started thinking life was a joke due to the following.

1: His life's ambition has been destroyed and all of his plans utterly crushed. He survived because he was at the head of the boat and was blown out, whereas Tarrlok was right next to the gas tank so he died instantly.

2: His brother tried kill him, committing suicide in the process.

3: His face is now damaged due to the explosion and is forever doomed to smile.

Let's just say that he's had his "one bad day"

Also Tahno will, but Mako won't.


He got blown off the boat as he was in front. Tarrlok was next to the gas tank so he was gone. Also Amon had all of his ambitions and plans crushed and his own brother tried to kill him. Yeah he's not gonna be in the best mental state.

Now, he's got facial damage which causes him to constantly smile, as well as painting his face like a clown.

Nope. Also Tahno will not be Red Hood. Instead he will be..............

2079874 so who will be the Red Hood?


Make Bolin the Red Hood! They'll never see it coming!

Imagine, Mako unwilling to kill Amon even after what he did to the city, to Korra, and what he was about to do to his brother. So he seeks training from an anti-bent cop, now unable to metal bend and learns how to from him.

Then, he makes his move against the gangs, taking up a few different identities all the while, preparing for a coup de grace that will make Mako take Amon's life.

I know what you're thinking...

2082692 Seems kinda out of left field for Bolin given his personality..................... But it's too awesome to not do!!!

Also thoughts on Tahno as Yellow Skinned Whacky Man?:duck:

2082706 The creeper's powers are what now? :duck:

2082714 The Creeper displays virtually superhuman agility and stamina, combined with strength. This enables him to perform amazing feats of acrobatics and leaping. He also seems to be able to climb sheer walls with little or no difficulty. His strength is enough to enable him to throw grown men several feet or jump several feet in the air. His speed and reflexes have also been enhanced greatly. These combined abilities make The Creeper a formidable fighter, incorporating brawling techniques with his physical prowess.

A signature move of his is jumping onto the backs of his opponents and throwing them off balance. The Creeper also possesses a superhuman healing factor, which enables him to heal from virtually any wound as gunshots and stab wounds have been seen healing within a matter of minutes. It even allowed him to return from death when his body regenerated after being torn apart by Eclipsed hyenas. Also, his laugh is depicted as being physically painful to the ears of his victims, causing a psychotic comatose state.

2082754 He doesn't break the 4th Wall so no not really. DC's Deadpool is Deathstroke and I won't hear any arguments!!

Also I always saw Creeper as 1 part Spider-Man(Similar powers), 2 parts Hulk(Multiple personality and transformation), and 3 parts Joker(Odd skin color, green hair, and insane, though Creeper isn't evil with his insanity)

2082771 Well, if you want to get technical, Deadpool was Marvel's Deathstroke, who was DC's answer to Marvel's Taskmaster, that's neither here nor there.

I am a huge nerd :scootangel:

So how will Tahno get super powers, anyway? Will he be a pivotal ally to Bat-Mako?
Will this take place before when season 2 started?
Will Korra eventually evolve past her role as a half-Gordan? Will she be the Nightwing of the series? Maybe the Barbara Gordan or some kind of hybrid?
Will your personal shipping of Huntress/Red Hood bleed into the story between Bolin and Asami?
Will Amon's once lieutenant play a part in the story?
Will Iroh help once things start to go down? And if so, what will his Superhero name be?

That's all I got for now :trixieshiftright:

2082834 Well one of Creepers origins, aside from getting his powers from a crazy scientist, was that he's actually a demon bonded with Jack Ryder. Since we know spirits can take over people, that's what will happen with Tahno. It's permanent like the Avatar's bonding with Raava, and it doesn't leave him visibly half-spirit either. As for being an ally? Yeah Mako thinks he's just another psychotic for the most part. He'll work with him, but he never goes looking for his help.

Yes it all happens within the 6 months before Book 2 started

Actually I've been giving it some thought and she'll end up becoming an on again/off again Batwoman............ To keep that as close as possible to the cannon Batwoman she will be dating Asami.

Somewhat perhaps

He becomes Electrocutioner

He will actually be both the Superman AND Nightwing of the story. How? Well the name Nightwing ACTUALLY comes from an old Kryptonian legend about Nightwing and Flamebird, who were basically Kryptonian versions of Batman and Robin in way. Superman, on a trip to the bottle city of Kandor, once adopted the guise of Nightwing to stop a villain there. And this happened LONG before Dick was ever Nightwing. In fact Clark suggested the name Nightwing. So yeah powers of Superman, costume of Nightwing


Batwoman she will be dating Asami.

Really? Won't Mako get some love? And what about Bolin? Bolin doesn't get enough love, if you ask me :ajbemused: You hurt me in my canon just now :fluttershysad:

He will actually be both the Superman AND Nightwing of the story. How? Well the name Nightwing ACTUALLY comes from an old Kryptonian legend about Nightwing and Flamebird, who were basically Kryptonian versions of Batman and Robin in way. Superman, on a trip to the bottle city of Kandor, once adopted the guise of Nightwing to stop a villain there. And this happened LONG before Dick was ever Nightwing. In fact Clark suggested the name Nightwing. So yeah powers of Superman, costume of Nightwing

I know this. Dick Grayson was once one of my favorite characters. Then he stopped being my favorite when I found out Jason was alive. I kind of thought he was always to awesome, then I found out what would happen at the end of Forever Evil... I took it back and I'm going to miss him in the comics.

We hijacked the thread again, didn't we? :rainbowderp:

2082948 He'll get some love..................

No you didn't!!!

And yes.................. Yes we did,

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