Comments ( 16 )
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The Avatar's time is running out. The only hope for the world is someone not of it......... The Day of the Avatar has come.

Follow me on to see when it comes out!

2088208 If I didn't dislike the James Cameron movie, I would have linked you a navii

But it looks cool, though :moustache:

2088232 I bet you'll never guess what the plot it is!! :pinkiecrazy:

2088266 you think I'll guess it as good as last time, do you? :ajsmug:

2088304 I just want to see how close you are. I won't spoil it for you if you aren't right, instead you'll see when the story comes out. :trixieshiftright:

I think my brain just ate itself...
You, sir/madame, earned yourself a follow. Even if it is only because of your amazing taste in telly.:eeyup:


Then the fire action attacked


Nope it's just a trash can

2088864>>2088864 that's no dalek: that's a space station :yay:


That's no space station that's a corn

2089069 So did you guess the plot yet or should I spill the basics based on the trailer? :trixieshiftright:

2089722 I look forward to your next sentence with GREAT eagerness :pinkiecrazy:

2089733 Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and guess that there's going to be a time wimey vortex that jacks stuff up.

Given that Wan is old and that's the only clip you show of him, I'll say he'll be acting in a capacity similar to that of Avatar Roku/Uncle Iroh to both Korra and Aang.

Another thing I'm going to guess will be Azula trying to take the throne back from her brother, right when they need the fire nation military to push back the lizard people.

As for what causes the Doctor's TARDIS to get jacked, I think it would be something like Aang and Korra both using their avatar states at the same time in respect to the timey wimey ball, over loading the sciencey stuff and causing it to blow right near the planet, causing some temporal displacement until the Doc can fix it, who then gives them their help when the lizard people invade their world, using three avatars, the fire nation military and Zuko to stem the tide of the battle.

Am I close? :trixieshiftright:

2090052 I'll tell you in a PM.

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