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As we all know, Aang and Korra are two entirely different beasts. One is a pacifist and the other... is a blood knight. But how would they each handle the others issues of their great journey differently?

Lets start out with this one: How would the second team avatar handle being stuck in Ba Sing Se?

Comment below and let me know!! :rainbowdetermined2:


How would the second team avatar handle being stuck in Ba Sing Se?

"Hey, King, we've got a message for you and we aren't taking no for an answer!"
"oh, you wanna start trouble?:"

Then Mako would try to calm Korra's hot-head down

2092950 then there's that one guy, Long Feng.

Put him in a room with Korra for five seconds. I dare you :rainbowdetermined2:

2092952I wonder how Korra's team would match up against Azula's? I mean, they are better benders all around than Aang's gang

2092958 Tai Lee would fall head over heels for Bolin and he would do the same. Korra wouldn't buy any of Azula's crap in the slightest, meaning even if she doesn't want an all out brawl, that's what Azula is going to get.

As for Mai and Mako, that would be a fight I'd like to see. :yay:

2092971I meant in general:unsuresweetie:
No one can beat Toph:rainbowdetermined2:

Actually rethinking it... That would be on hell of a match!:rainbowderp: I'm thinking close to a tie... but: Bolin:facehoof::rainbowlaugh:

2092958 also, I don't think that their better benders outright, they just have different styles adapted to different places i.e. urban combat/pro-bending againsy battle field/dojo style

2092980Yeah, I rethought myself after I posted that comment:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

2092971>>2092979 What about if Mako was stuck with Zuko on the boiling rock? :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

The only person who can even come close to Toph is King Bumi. Everyone knows that they're the baddest of the badasses.

I would participate in the discussion if I got to see what happens in Book Two, so that I can get a better handle on that. :raritydespair:

2093065 you can find the episodes on the Nickolodean website.:ajsmug:

Group Admin

2093080 I know where to find them; the problem is having enough time to watch them.

2093065 Or you can find them here. I honestly don't like, because it sometimes takes a while to buffer, and the breaks take forever. This site has been an easy place for me to go for episodes. Nick is okay, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I feel like the group would go straight to the king like the Gaang, but Korra would destroy everything, probably unintentionally but she doesn't give a single shit, while Bolin stops to flirt with the girl that screamed, "Burglar!"

Group Admin

2093168 Thanks for the link. That site may be more reliable than the one I already have bookmarked. Said site is the only site I've watched Avatar on.

(Just a warning, you may not see me respond for a long time.)

2092950 Korra would almost instantly storm up to the Earth King's throne and demand to speak to him.

When the Die Lee refuse she would lash out and attack them, and she'd probably not be too happy to see them just get thrown into prison.

And Korra would have no quarrels about attacking Zuko and Uncle Iron for being firebenders, even if they weren't allied with the Fire Lord. Korra isn't a good judge of character.

2093503 I imagine that it would be her and Zuko as the main couple, with her and Toph as the best friends ever.

Granted, I think that once Azula came along, she'd make Zuko fall in line and, by the end of it, he'd be totally whipped :rainbowlaugh:

2094657 Yeah and Korra would be much more ticked off then Katara was at Zuko's betrayal. She'd probably even contemplate killing him in her state of rage.

2095869 but after that, who do you think she'd get along best with? Zuko or Sokka? :trixieshiftright:

2095997 I don't know. She'd find it hard to trust Zuko and Sokka's attitude and not taking things seriously would frustrate her to no end. Though Sokka was a bit of a blood knight early on and even later in the series he still has traces of it.

2096030 Bolin is her best friend, so that would probably bleed into her friendship with Sokka.

As for Zuko, after he begs for forgiveness, Toph would probably tell her to ease up on her, and then their relationship will get really complicated.

Like, really f:yay:cking complicated. Granted, she probably would have kissed him once he told her his story in the crystal catacombs would have made his choice much more obvious and he probably wouldn't have turned on the gaang like that, meaning Azula would have lost, gotten captured, the earth kingdom's assault would have worked and then Zuko and Korra would be chillin' as fire lord and lady of the fire nation.

That makes sense, right? :duck:

2096159 I don't quite think so. Korra would still likely not quite be comfortable trusting Zuko. And even if Azula's plan failed the Fire Nation had already planned for the eclipse.

2096210 They'd probably patch things up by the time of Sozin's comet, though :applejackunsure:

2096235>>2096210Lol, what a chat:rainbowlaugh::rainbowdetermined2:

2096313 Now for how Aang and crew would deal with Amon and the evil spirits. I think Aang would still easily develop fear and be swayed. He just wouldn't start a civil war like Korra did. Sokka would be all for the propoganda and Katara and Toph would likely be involved in the investigation.

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