Comments ( 11 )
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Alright, so sense this is a spoilderific thread, everything below this sentence will be black barred:

So, first off? Iroh is back, Jenora is captured and in general everything has hit the fan.

What are your thoughts?

2122463 TELL ME ALL OF WHAT HAPPENED IN EXTREME DETAIL!!!! :flutterrage:I missed the last 10 minutes when my cable went out!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::fluttercry:

2122595 Alright, then. Korra gets aged back up and goes to where Unalak. Vaatu and him are holding Jenora hostage and demand that Korra surrender and do as they say or else they steal Jenora's soul. Korra agrees but, surprise surprise, Unalak goes back on his word and starts to bend the Hell out of Korra, who showed up in the Spirit world the good old fashioned way and can't bend. She's on the receiving end a curb stomp battle and would have gotten killed, had it not been for the dragon bird how bitch slaps Unalak. Korra makes it back to the real world only to tell Tenzen that his daughter is captured

2122746 EPIC!! Gives me some inspiration for who to make Mephisto in my LoK/Marvel crossover now that we know Vaatu can steal souls.

2122759 I was just happy to see the old guy again. Granted, all of his dialogue seemed kind of... stilted? I dunno. It just seemed like he spoke in his trade marked wisdom a little bit to much :applejackunsure:

What do you think?

2122915 Well for one this is a far older Iroh than the one we saw at the end of the first series. He was probably mid 60's there and this Iroh most likely died in his late 70's or 80's, so I can buy his voice being different.

2122936 not the voice, but the words.

He almost spouted off to much wisdom :applejackunsure:

2122946 Meh. They needed the guy to be wise and stuff as he's been living among "wise" spirits.

I just have to say, my jaw DROPPED :pinkiegasp: the moment I saw Iroh!

I literally teared up when I heard his voice. I was like, "Oh my god, he's here. Yes!"

2122463 It was great to see Iroh again. But if Aang were in Korra's position he wouldn't have compromised, he would've understood that the needs of the many outweight the needs of one. Or at least that's what I would do.

And how dare the spirits think releasing Vaku is okay! Unalak can't even pass as a well intentioned extremist, he doesn't seem to realize he will bring about the end of the world if his plan suceeds.

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