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Now let me admit something................ I was ready and willing to give up on LoK after the first 6 episodes, but Beginnings actually pulled me back in. I mean I loved the episode The Sting as it had a VERY classic film Noir crime drama feel that I just loved. I love crime drama films, more specifically well DONE crime dramas, so to see that happen in the episode was excellent. However I noticed something............. Korra only appeared for 5 seconds and I barely noticed.

Korra since Civil Wars Part 2 and up until The Guide had been, for lack of a better word, crazy. That's the best way I can describe it as for the entirety of the episode she acted like an insane person. Refusing to listen to reason and was ready and willing to make the war between the Northern and Southern Tribes into a WORLD WAR by dragging the United Republic and/or the Fire Nation into the mix. Yeah because THAT'S sanity right there.

Now I AM glad to see Korra back as a likable character again, REALLY glad because she had me won over midway through Book 1 so I really wanted to get back to a non-insane Korra.

Anyway, back to the point I wanted to make. With this moving on into the more fantastical side of the world, the Spirit World and dealing with the supernatural ALONG with a far more grounded city based subplot going on, I feel like Legend of Korra has a lot more staying power than Avatar: Last Airbender.

Now before you all tear me to shreds, let me make one thing clear. I loved Avatar: The Last Airbender. I freaking LOVED that show. However, I can only say this about it. You can't do many stories based around it after the original narrative is done. I mean yes, there ARE stories that can be told after the original series ended, but they aren't stories I think could carry an entire season or anything. That's because we've seen everything in the world at this point. We KNOW the world at this point. Last Airbender is a straight up Fantasy setting.

Legend of Korra on the other hand has a quality that makes me think it has a chance to keep going for a bit longer. What quality? As I said in the beginning, it can do fantastical and more grounded stories. It can switch gears between huge epic stories, to more localized and grounded tales. And yes, we've seen the world as it was, but now we have the chance to see it as it is now with the onset of technology and social change. We get to see how the world at large has evolved from the one we saw in Last Airbender.

If they end up doing a series AFTER Legend of Korra? I would hope they keep going into the future of this world, like we have a 30's styled setting now? I wouldn't mind a 60's styled setting, with maybe an element of sci-fi thrown in? :trixieshiftright:

I now await the horrible retaliation from the fanboys :pinkiecrazy:

2134838 I think TLoK and TLA are good in their respective ways. LoK showcases a teenage avatar, in addition to being the savior of the world she's also more open and hot tempered then Aang, thus she has a tendency to act without thinking. But now much like how Aang grew out of his innocence into the hero the world needed him be to Korra is mellowing out as she matures, learning to relax and take things one step at a time.

If there is ever a sequel series to LoK we need to see an adult avatar, perhaps even one that is married and has a family during the time of struggles.

Both Avatar series pride themselves on character development and story. It's just like deciding between whether Tim Burton's Batman movies or Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Triology is a better adaptation of Batman. They're both good in their own ways and just because you like one does not mean you don't like the other.

2135079 Also there's the fact I'm hoping something like this to happen in Book 3

Same time period as the time when superheroes first came about in our world, and in comics in general, so why not a joke episode of someone in Republic City actually attempting to be one? :trixieshiftright:

2136568 That would be intresting.

2137793 I can honestly see something like this happening. Bolin's "mover" career goes down the crapper after Book 2 and is no longer a celebrity. The newest mover sensation is the Blue Spirit, a HIGHLY fictional portrayal of Zuko's alter ego, to the point its even a radio show as well as a film serial. This gives Bolin the idea to dress up as his own costumed character, fight crime for real, and then at some point reveal himself to the public.

Problem is that his plan goes horribly wrong in that he's labeled a vigilante and Lin puts an arrest warrant out on him, since it was made clear in the premier of LoK that Lin does NOT tolerate vigilantism. And he can't just give up his costumed life either as he's loving the attention he gets, but he can't go through with his original plan since he'll obviously get arrested.

2137858 And Korra and (I forget what the other love intrest was called) are torn apart as they face an ironic echo of the "Who's side are you on arguement", Korra in particular tries to patch things up but because she's trying to solve both problems at once she's unable to please either side and only ends driving a wedge between herself and them. Making it difficult for her to focus on the new threat to the world.

2137935 Mako? :unsuresweetie: Also that sounds good

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