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First of all I think this kinda makes both my "Unalaq is Loki" theory and my "The Avatar is like The Doctor" theories more valid. The first being obvious. Seriously, Unalaq SCREAMED Loki in these episodes!! The sinister smiles, the overwhelming arrogance, that feeling of he's got a master plan and you aren't going to stop him.

SPOILERS BELOW!!!!!!! Leave now if you do not wish to be spoiled.

The evidence of my Doctor Who theory being that if Unalaq DOES bring about a Dark Avatar, then that would give The Avatar's Doctor a Master to face.

So what did you guy's think?:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2173775 I really wanted Korra's dad's punch to connect with Unalak

Also, Mako is a dick is Asami. :ajbemused:

She deserves someone better, like Bolin :trixieshiftright:

2173794 True. You know if Mako gets to third base with Korra, NOT telling her she broke up with him of her own free will before hand, that would technically count as rape as she's not in her right mind. Granted they won't go that far, but if Korra ever DOES find out either way then yeah Mako's a dead man.

Also is Unalaq Loki and The Master? :trixieshiftright:

I'm saddened that my hopes of Varriks innocence were shattered :pinkiesad2: (I really hoped it was Zhu Li or someone like Ginger who'd have expected that). But over all very nice episodes. Can't wait for next week. Korra may be ending its season but MLP's will begin the next day :pinkiehappy:.
Also that Korra Vs. Unalaq battle is going to be awesome.

2173814 I'd even say that Korra deserves better than Mako!

Bosami and Kiroh :flutterrage:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013
Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2173927 OH YOU WANNA GO BRO?!?! CAUSE IT'S GO TIME!!!!!!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2173982 Wait..................... What were we fighting about? :applejackconfused:

2174162 Kiroh vs. Tahnorroah.

But besides that, Mako should have said something about needing to talk to Korra, or at least tell her about it on the boat.

Or at least not start anything with Asami until the next time he and Korra were together and try to clear the air.

Bolin might be young, but look at all the disappointment that Asami has gone through. She needs someone that can put a smile on her face like Bolin. It's not that he deserves her, but she deserves him.

Were have I seen that before... :moustache::heart::duck:

I guess I'll never know :unsuresweetie:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2174221 Oh yeah................................. Tahnorra has much better appeal

Anyway, that thing I said about the rape? Yeah even if he gets to SECOND base it would still count as technically rape. It's no different than if he hypnotized her after she broke up with him and made her forget she did since he is not trying to correct things. I mean, if he tells her and she still wants to get back together that's one thing, but purposefully withholding that she was the one who broke up with him is an entirely different story. Not to mention he keeps playing paddle-ball with Asami's feelings.

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2174253 Tahno is a douche and Iroh will treat her better

But besides that, yeah. I am quickly losing respect for Mako and any remaining respect will be lost if he doesn't fix things next episode.

It's like the creators are actively inciting a shipping war between the fans of T-LoK.

2174342 Hey, at least it makes for good shipping debates.:ajsmug:

2174380 true :moustache:

Although you do have to admit that Bosami has its charms :ajsmug:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2174441 Not saying it doesn't

2174471 but why do you like Tahno so much, anyway? :applejackunsure:

2174477 I just think he has a lot of character potential. Haughty, arrogant person getting knocked on their ass and ending up powerless and rebuilding their life. Really most of my respect and liking of him comes from fanfics where they show him in that light, becoming a better person, but still with some of the ego.

2174582 You just described Korra and Zuko :rainbowderp:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2174607 I think you mean Katara and Zuko.................. Which proves why Tahno would have been better. Never supported Zutara, but I could see the appeal of it.

Also WHY the double posting? :duck:

2174650 sensitive mouse. Does that sometimes.

Sometimes it triple posts :ajbemused:

I think you mean Katara and Zuko

No. I was talking personality wise, individually

2174674.............................. My point still stands

2174679 I actually can kind of see it...

Although Korra would be the man in that relationship :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2174692 Which is why it's a great pairing. Turns things on their heads. :ajsmug:

2174699 But then who does Mako get... :trixieshiftright:

2174802 Yes who does he get?:unsuresweetie: Hmm.............................................. I KNOW!!! :pinkiehappy:

Also here's something to terrify you

2174857 Ironic justice

I love it :rainbowlaugh:

And will you stop posting Freaky Fred? :ajbemused:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2175034 I say old chap, it was my mishap. I say, I said, it was my mishap as I was feeling rather........................... Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaughty.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

2175100 How about...........................

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