Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

…And I have no clue why.

I know that college has really killed my time here, and that it has really killed my ability to participate when I am here (Korra discussions and such).

Now I just realized that I want to ask all of you one thing: what would you like to see from this group? Is there something you would like to see?

2174776 The group is legit.

You needn't change a thing :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

2174793 Absolutely nothing is needed? :rainbowhuh:

2174811 nothing is need, no

'Cept maybe a new banner

but other than more members, nothing comes to mind at the moment :ajsmug:

Group Admin

2174826 Yeah, the banner's not really optimized…

I'd either have to look on Google for one with the correct resolution, or ask if someone would like to make one with their superior editing skills or something.

Honestly, it's 10:40 and I'm at the point where my brain gets candles, not lightbulbs.

Group Admin

2176260 I would be inclined to agree. :moustache:

2175289 I appreciate the input. :pinkiesmile:

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