Comments ( 13 )
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So, thing is, I missed watching tonight's episodes on TV and had to default to an anime site I frequent to watch them when that happens (Gogoanime, they get it up same day). But, when I was finished with the two that aired tonight, I noticed that the site had links to the next two episodes (13 and 14). I thought "Well that can't be right. They don't air until next week. Surely these are placeholder links."

Well, I was wrong. I just watched the finale. I won't say a single thing about it for those that would rather not spoil it early, but what I will do, is leave a link to episode 13 (from which you can then go to 14). Slight warning about the site: It contains numerous advertisements. If you have adblock or something similar, you're golden. I tolerate the ads, mostly because of how fast they get things uploaded, and if you have your own preferred anime site, I say check for it there too.

So without further ado, here is the link. Enter at your own risk, and enjoy. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and for the record, I'm not really one to endorse spoilers of this magnitude. My curiosity got the better of me today. However, I couldn't just keep this knowledge to myself. Everyone should be given the chance to choose for themselves. Just my two cents. :applejackunsure:

OH GOD THAT WAS EPIC! :pinkiehappy:

2177498 I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:I can't wait to see where they go with this!!!!! :rainbowdetermined2:

2175914>>2177498>>2177564 Honestly, I thought that it should have ended where Vaatu won at the end of part 3. It would have kept the tone of seriousness that book 2 of the last airbender ended on and we would have gotten a lot more development out of characters like Eska and Deska, as well as showing Asami in a real position of leadership.

More than that, though, I think that Asami really got the shaft this book. In the first book, she was like the team Batman, being a badass in her own right, but here she was little more than an elevated damsel in distress.

All in all, it would have been better had Vaatu won and the heroes had to deal with that in the same vein as the original gaang did :moustache:

2178216 Eh, I'm not so sure about the whole Vatu wins thing. There were enough moments where I was like "did the bad guy just… win?" But I see what you're saying, especially with regards to Asami. And I definitely wished there was more development with Eska and Deska. But I felt that it was an appropriate ending, especially with how Korra developed by the end of it. They really managed to change her character without changing who she is. This made her more likeable overall.

Too bad about the whole "you're no longer connected to any of the past lives" thing. Either something will happen and she'll get that back, or she really is the new first avatar. It's the only thing that makes me really think "Wow. That really just happened. And the hero didn't get away clean either."

Can't wait to see where the show goes from here. This raised some interesting things for discussion, like what the ultimate difference between drawing your power from the avatar state from the past lives or your own spirit really is and what exactly it entails.

2178323 I think it's a new and interesting twist. I mean, what's the point of Korra going through all of this for the status quo to come back? No I think Korra said it best herself

"This is a new age"

She's the first of a new line of Avatar's, spirits and humans living together, I think it's a great lead into Book 3

2178393 Oh, I'm certainly not saying I don't think it's a brilliant idea. Though now that really brings up the question of what they could possibly do for Book 3. I can't even think of what it would be called. This book was Spirits, which I liked, but for the next two (there are gonna be two more right? My memory's a little fuzzy about that atm) I can't even begin to think of an appropriate name, or an appropriate, unexpected villain. I say unexpected because I'm sure we can all foresee problems with the human/spirit worlds now merging. I'm hoping for some sort of dedicated villain again, but from an angle or with a motive we just don't expect.

Kinda wish there was a "dark avatar" though. Unalaq was powerrful, yes, but I feel that a dark avatar that also knows all four elements would make things more interesting. At least for a little while. Who knows? Maybe when Korra defeated the fused Vatu/Unalaq, she started the cycle of dark avatars being reincarnated as well.

We'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully that's Fall of next year, 'cause any longer is just too long.

2178483 Actually who's to say she DIDN'T end up creating a Dark Avatar? Obviously it wouldn't be able to come about in THIS series unless they do a major time skip, but perhaps in a third series after LoK because that kind of set up is too good not to revisit in a later series. Give the Avatar an archenemy of equal power and what not. :ajsmug:

2178530 I'm sure we'll have fanfiction of it before the end of the month. :moustache:

2178530>>2178566 I'm still waiting for Zuko to show up again :trixieshiftright:

2178566>>2178578 Also this is what I see coming from a Dark Avatar

2178578 Heh, yeah. At least give us some flashback/backstory in that regard. I was happy to see Iroh again, now we just need to know what happened with Zuko and Azula.

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 16th, 2013

2178613>>2178621 And what about Varrick? Will we see him again? :ajsmug:

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