Comments ( 8 )
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So will this be the thing by the end of season 3? :ajsmug:

2185063 I like me some Borra. Actually it should have been cannon since Korra and Bolin have such great chemistry. :ajsmug:

2185071 Poor Bolin just can't get a break at all, can he?

And Korra, after everything that's happened, needs someone more dependable than Mako, and Bolin is dependable as Hell. :moustache:

2185095 I was more surprised he fell for someone as controlling as Eska................ Not to mention the fact she's practically a Vulcan. However since I can see Korra wearing the pants in ANY relationship she's in, Bolin does seem like a good fit all things considered. And again, the chemistry plays a big factor. :eeyup:

I knew Makorra was doomed from the start. Hell, the only time I actually LIKE it is in fanfics where it's written so it DOES work. Mako is the Garrus to Korra's Fem-Shepard. Started out as friends, tried the romance, but decided to end it and go back to being friends. At least that's how I played it. But that aside, mayhap Korra shall find love in Book 3. :ajsmug:

2185182 I never played fem!shep, actually. I always went male, would romance Ashley, then go for Tali in the second and third games because she's just so damn adorable. :rainbowkiss:

2185214 I always played male!Shep first, based on Isaac Clarke from Dead Space, went with Ash too, Tali. Then on the second play through went with Ellen Ripley Shepard, Liara, then Garrus, then cheating a bit on Liara with Specialist Traynor. Yeah my fem!Shep was a player! :ajsmug:

2185289 yer kind of a perv, you know that? :rainbowlaugh:

But seriously, though, I kind of don't like Mako anymore :ajbemused:

Well no matter what some will not accept the canonisty of the paring. Though Bolin does need someone, Asami or Korra it doesn't matter

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