Comments ( 8 )
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What did you think of them?

The season 2 finale was a tear jerker almost all the way, and it looks like Korra may ideed be the last Avatar.

The Season 4 Premiere was amazing. Words cannot express the sheer beauty of it.

Group Admin

2232438The legend of Korra one was indeed said...she lost the guy she loves, and now she's probably the last avatar since her past was fucked with in the worst of ways.:ajsleepy:
But the season 4 premiere was amazing:twilightsmile:

2232452 Korra wasn't the only one who had it hard, Tenzin had to face his demons and admit he wasn't perfect, Boh Lin finally admitted he had feelings for one of the twins but even then he didn't get the girl as the two of them just left. I was actually expecting Jenora to scarifice herself to enpower Korra at first. :fluttercry:

And the Season 4 premiere was indeed amazing. Here's hoping the rest of Season 4 is just as good.

I haven't gotten to see the LOK season 2 finale yet, but I don't like MLP:Friendship is Magic, so....

Group Admin

2232476The hope for Season 4 is still there.:twilightsmile:
But Boh Lin really need's to get his shit together.:facehoof: And I kinda new it would be that type of battle, giant spirit vs giant spirit. But oh well. I really hope that it won't be the last avatar because it would suck:ajsleepy: also the part with Xiao(or however the hell you spell his name) was funny

I thought both of them were damn near flawless.

2232491 Then what are you doing in this group? For that record what are you doing on this site?

2233557 Being a brony only means you like the show MLP:Friendship is Magic.

I like a lot of the non-dubstep and non-housestep music produced by some of the fans, and a few of the stories written up here.

Just because I think the show is b.s., doesn't mean I don't like other aspects of this fandom.

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