Comments ( 11 )
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Who would win? Nightmare Moon (or for that matter any of the Nightmares) or Unalaq having been fused with the Avatar equivalent of Satan?

Group Admin

2233561Unalaq, a little too much of a no contest one.

2233561>>2233567Then I'll contest Nightmare Moon, for sake of argumental fun and silliness:rainbowwild:

2234091 Wow, thats Me-Logic right there! :rainbowwild:

2235004:moustache:Who you gunna cheer for?:rainbowwild:

2238513 Well i will have to say.... Batcolt.:pinkiecrazy:

SRSly tho, family keeps deleting my shows off the Thing, so i haven't seen it yet..:facehoof:


i haven't seen it yet

*pinkie's voice* shyoot:pinkiegasp:

*Nightmare Moon blasts Batcolt with magic*

2238542 Batcolt, as Batman before him, is immune to opposing fan opinions!:pinkiecrazy:

Not gon' reply again until i catch up on my Avatar, to avoid running this into a tangent...:trixieshiftright:


Alright, fair enough:moustache:
Would it be spoilery saying that the ending was, to me, bitter-sweet?

2238558 I already Spoiled it on purpose, in case i never get around to actually seeing it.:rainbowwild:

Gah! Made a Liar out of myself!:raritydespair:


Made a Liar out of myself!


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