Comments ( 17 )
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Admit it, guys, we now have what might be the first Avatar (we know about anyway) who just so happens to be a princess.

2235492 My main OC can move the elements and shes a princess so SHE GOSE TO ME FIRST! XD

2235503 I meant show-wise. Original chars DON'T count.

*sticks tongue out a blows a rassberry*

Seeing that we have the names of what... seven Avatars, we have to use OCs. The closest we know of an Avatar being royalty would have been Roku

2235556 Maybe Kyoshi.

And Avatar Jafar seemed like he might be royal

Like you said though that we know of. Who's to say that in the hundreds of lives that the Avatar's lives she hasn't been the Fire Lord or Queen of the Earth Kingdom? Actually those would make for some entertaining stories. Man I wish they would do a spin-off about past lives. Not that I'm complaining about Korra I think people hate her way more than she deserves. But I mean she really doesn't have the same pressures Aang had. In other news WE STILL NEED INFORMATION ON THE ORDER OF WHITE LOTUS!!! but that's off topic so my apologies.

Kyoshi doesn't seem the type.. and who the hell is Avatar Jafar, which is not a good name of him

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 25th, 2013

... Sounds like making them OCs

2235769 but there are TWO avatar firelords in the background :ajsmug:

Both of which are fuzzy so you really can't tell

2235834 what about Avatar Zelda and Avatar Wolverine?

You mean there are fans that hate her?

I think it's more so the series not Korra herself. I mean you ever seen the posts on the Avatar section of memebase? You'll usually find at least one poking fun at the romance and angst that's way more common in the series. But I remember a post after the Wan episode when the guy said about, "No matter how much we make fun of you we really are glad to see you back Korra," I mean they're just goofing about the series but still it happens a lot. Not to say that I don't visit it every day like Pokèmemes and My Little Brony. But as much as I love the series I do still think a series where we explore one of the past Avatars every episode would be awesome. I mean we really only know back to the past Water Bender. We know about the Air Bender before Aang but not that much. What struggles did she face? What was the world like? And all them before her we only know how they look (if that) not even their names.

That's on memebase which is not exactly the best way to feel the pulse of a fandom. Though the romance does kind of irk me... honestly Mako got off too easy in the end, having Asami and Korra teaming up for some revenge would be quite the scary thought

Yeah I guess you're right (about both). But in the end I do enjoy it. True it's not nearly as good as TLA but then again what could be? They really nailed it about as perfectly as they could... Then Shamalon effed it all up somehow.
But some stuff does seem rushed and needs more explanation. Like the moonless Bloodbending that's the thing from the first season that really annoyed me. I mean how? They just say that it's a family trait but why do they have this amazing power? They really could have done more. Then there's also the fact about that Amon was able to use it to remove bending. Does this mean that other Bloodbenders could remove bending if they wanted? And again how's he even do it? Bending is spiritual so how does bending someone's physical body prevent them from being able to do it?
Really they need to explain more stuff.

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