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We wish you a Tenzin Christmas,
we wish you a Tenzin Christmas,
we wish you a Tenzin Christmas,
and a Mo Mo new year!
Good fruit pies we'll bring,
to throw in your face!
We wish you a Tenzin Christmas,
and a Mo Mo new year!

Though the weather outside is frightful,
Mako's fire is so delightful,
There's one thing that you should know,
Bend that snow,
Bend that snow,
Bend that snow!

Jingle gong!
Jingle gong!
Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride,
on an ancient flying bison!
Jingle gong!
Jingle gong!
Jingle all the way!
Oh what fun it is to ride,
on an ancient flying bison!

Beat Amon with blasts of bending!
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
It's the season one finale!
Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Dawn we now this,
triumphant win!
Fa la la, la la la, la la la!

Up on the housetop,
Naga paws!
Down comes the chimney the Avatar!
She'll save you from spirit monsters!
Have no need to fear, you will be safe!
Bend, bend, bend!
Who would've known?
Bend, bend, bend!
Who would've known?
Up on the housetop,
Click, click, click!
Down come the chimney, the Avatar!

Spirit Aang the Avatar,
Seventy years past!
He now gives Korra her,
bending back!
Now she can bring peace back,
to Republic City!
Thank you Aang the Avatar!
*Roku turned his back*

Fire Lord Zuko,
Got his honor back!
Restored peace with the Avatar,
Never turned his back!

Korra, Korra, Korra!
Had hard times bending air!
Korra, Korra, Korra,
Still was able to bend air!


An Avatar Christmas by FlutterLover63, narrated by Bolin
'Twas the night before Christmas,
and all around the island,
not a creature was stirring,
not even the flying bison.
The temple was guarded,
by Korra with care,
because pretty soon,
Amon would be there
The Airbender kids were all snug in there beds,
while visions of noodles filled Meelo's head.
Pema in her scarf and Ikki in her cap,
Had just settled their brains for a long winter nap.
When out on the training grounds,
there arose such a clatter,
so Tenzin and Korra,
went to see all the matter.
Amon was on the island,
chi blockers at his side,
The Avatar ready,
to fight them. All right!
And I was there watching,
ready to join her anytime.
Along with my brother,
his fire so bright.
Amon lunged forward,
at our Avatar so dear,
only to get blown away,
by Tenzin's blast of air.
Mustache Guy pulled out,
his electric batons,
without knowing of,
the Airbender kids,
flying above!
Jinora swooped down,
and knocked him aside,
her father telling her,
to go back inside.
Jinora did not listen,
and "I'm here to help!" did she cry,
and Tenzin was shocked,
by the Mustache Guy!
I leaped out the window,
from where I was watching,
but I got my face,
caught on a Christmas stocking!
My brother came out,
to join me in battle,
when everything stopped, to hear a baby's rattle.
Baby Rohan,
crawled out on the ground.
Squealing and laughing!
Oh what a joyous sound!
Then Amon surrendered,
and said "What a cute child!"
And the a new side of his heart,
was revealed to be mild.
Tenzin invited him inside,
as a place to stay,
And made him a gift,
for the next Christmas day.

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