Comments ( 13 )
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My Avatar/Doctor Who theories make more sense all the time :ajsmug:


Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 30th, 2013

2275736 no...

no they don't... :rainbowderp:

And the Christmas invasion is personal favorite :ajsmug:

2275751 Come on, it's so obvious

2275843 An ancient being that helps people, stands against power mad conspirators, and each time said being dies comes back with a new face and personality. How is that NOT the Doctor? :trixieshiftright:

2275881 The Doctor traverses time and space with a phone booth and a magic screw driver

The avatar throws rocks, freezes water, shoots fire and can fly and can go Super Saiyan

That's how :ajsmug:

2275911 I'm not saying they're 100% identical, just that there are clear similarities. If they do another series set further down the line and we see if Unalaq's plan ever worked, the Avatar will have a Master to deal with

2275925 I wish they'd have gone with a different name instead of...

The Dark Avatar :facehoof:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 30th, 2013
Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 30th, 2013

2275934 Like Bizarro Avatar? :pinkiecrazy:

"Your era am not over. Hello Avatar Korra."

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Nov 30th, 2013


The doctor's a douchebag, and his show sucks. Korra is kewl, but some of that show's episodes have been disappointing.

There, bad things about both shows hopefully you two can agree on.

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