Comments ( 15 )
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So we've seen two seasons of Korra by now, and while we all love the show, there are a few things that we would have changed about the second season to make it a little more like the first.

I mean, Book 1: Air was awesome! It was paced well, it had good characters. Everyone served a purpose and every couple of episodes we were reminded that the stakes were high. Amon? He was one of the best villains ever. He was essentially evil water bending Batman and I loved him for it! Asami kicked all kinds of ass and every last character had a job to do and they did it damn well. My only complaint it that I would have had Korra keep her bending lost, save water bending, so that she'd still have that personal journey to make in book 2. That's it. It was tight and it worked and it seemed every bit as good as either of the first two books of ATLA (book 3 being my favorite).

And then we have book 2, spirits. And we all know what was wrong with it. It meandered a lot. Korra became a little bit more of an abrasive jerkass, forcing Mako to break up with her. Bolin... didn't do a lot and Lin and Asami basically got the shaft. Iroh's lines amounted to 'Let's start a war!' and then 'Dammit, I don't get to start a war :fluttershyouch:'. Not to mention none of the new characters really got as fleshed out as the should have been, like Eska and Desna (damn shame too, because Eska could have been fun to work with, getting to flesh her out like Mai was (funfact, with Mai having broken up with Zuko, I think that the fire lord ended up with Toph).

Really, if I could change any of it, I would have done more with the resistance down south. It would have been awesome if one of the mane characters, or even one of the awesome side characters, were left behind and had to fight alongside the resistance with Korra's dad. Then, I would have had Asami start to take up the torch of the investigation against Varrick. Show her being a badass again! There's a reason she's my favorite character in ALOK. Bolin... and keep doing what he was doing. I would have found Lin something to do and, hey, how about Iroh disobeys orders to go help the water tribe? And his crew follow him with full knowledge of what would happen!

And lastly, I would not have had the season end with a win for the new Team Avatar. I would have had Korra lose, get captured and have her friends save her sorry ass, because that how the last book 2 ended, and that's how this should have ended!

Do you guys agree with me?

Or am I just a crazy nut job?

Comment below, let me know! :rainbowdetermined2:

is season 2 on dvd yet:twilightblush:I kinda missed it:twilightblush:

2357270 Personally, the episodes "Beginnings", parts 1 & 2 in book 2, a few elements that kinda bothered me.

2357270 Given how the book was called Spirits? I'd have, I dunno, made the spirit thing more prominent!!!!!!!!! :flutterrage: I mean after the premier the entire spirit thing was forgotten about for THREE EPISODES that served BARELY any function to the plot!!!! Don't get me wrong, I loved the crime drama feel of The Sting and found that side of things to be interesting.................. But I feel it would have worked better in the more grounded Book 1. Book 1 was indeed more grounded, at it's heart it was about a terrorist take over of a city!!!

Book 2 should have had a CLEAR focus on the spirit side of things, have a spirit side character, make the Dark Spirits more of a major conflict instead of saving almost all of the spirit stuff until the end!!!

Don't get me wrong I LOVED the hell out of all the episodes after Beginnings. However I feel we could have gotten more. Like WHY did Unalaq want to merge with Vaatu, who is clearly the closest thing to the Devil they have in the Avatar universe? WHEN did Unalaq first learn about Vaatu or that an Avatar can be created by merging with a spirit? All of those questions could have been asked AND answered if they didn't drag their feet with Korra trying to turn a CIVIL war in a WORLD WAR!!!!

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Dec 11th, 2013

2357731 anything else you would changed?

Or just more complaints? :moustache:

2357767 I just told you what I would have changed :rainbowderp:

2358344 mostly, you just asked a lot of questions towards the end :ajsmug:

Anything you like about my changes? In particular, I like the idea of Mako getting captured by Noatok and essentially getting replaced by Iroh for the season. :moustache:

2358355 I want this to happen

2358372 So who would Korra be from DC? :duck:

2358393 And Tarlok would be Lex Luthor :moustache:

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