Comments ( 12 )
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I can't read a single thing those words say, the color is far too light and the image is too small.

That episode...
God that was heart wrenching.
(It's the one with Iro's sons anniversary of his death)

2361345>>2361389 Forgot a couple pics.

Try looking at it now :moustache:

Comment posted by Commando-Scarecrow deleted Dec 11th, 2013

God why?
Why does this have to be so great?

2361342 I didn't even notice the words :rainbowhuh:

2361561 it's the words to Brave soldier boy...

2361581 Okay? I'm just saying I didn't even see them.

The brave soldier boy did NOT come marching home. That really sucks, I would've liked to see what he was like as a character.

Excuse me I need to go....shed some liquid pride....

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 12