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"I don't understand. Why didn't you free yourself? Why did you surrender when Omashu was invaded? What's the matter with you, Bumi?"
"Listen to me, Aang. There are options in fighting, called jing. It's a choice of how you direct your energy..."
"I know! There's positive jing when you're attacking, and negative jing when you're retreating!"
"... and neutral jing when you do nothing!"
"There are three jings?"
"Well, technically, there are 85, but let's just focus on the third. Neutral jing is the key to earthbending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike."
"That's why you surrendered, isn't it?"
"Yes, and it's why I can't leave now."
"I guess I need to find someone else to teach me earthbending."
"Your teacher will be someone who has mastered neutral jing. You need to find someone who waits and listens before striking.""
―Aang and Bumi.

Book 2 (Earth), Episode 3: Return to Omashu. Bumi tells us there are 85 jings. We know three:

Positive jing, corresponding to advancing or attacking.
Negative jing, corresponding to retreating or evading.
Neutral jing, corresponding to waiting and listening, or, as Bumi described it, "doing nothing".

I thought of a few:

Stealth, when you are trying to stay hidden or undetected from your opponent.
Offensive Defense, when you use your opponent's weakness as your offense (waterbenders)
Absorption, absorbing the energy of your opponent
Deflection, deflecting the energy of your opponent

I've seen more, but I want you all to come up with some.

Maybe a variation of stealth jing, where you hide in plain sight like a chameleon?

2384641 but when they meet up in the 'Old Masters', Bumi flat out states that he made that up about the 85 jings :moustache:

Let's assume he didn't, for the sake of this question.

Pirate Jesus
Group Contributor

2384689 is onto something.
Illusion Jing- using tricks and deceit to outsmart or outmaneuver an opponent.

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