Comments ( 8 )
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Man At Arms are awesome.
Nothing more can be said.

Group Admin

2447197 So exciting!
None can hide from the wrath of the almighty Space Sword. :heart:

Ah Thunderbolt Iron perfect for slaying dragons, annoying the fair folk, and making Sokka look like a badass.

2447197 Cool video, but the tester at the end is only slicing through weak materials, which would suggest the blade couldn't attack something harder, like, for instance, a car door.

There was a sword maker who did make a sword that could pierce AND slash through a Jaguar F5.

2448773 Yeah, but you gotta give the dude credit for making the thing out of an ACTUAL meteor.

2448917 Yeah, I guess so. But I was expecting him to make it out of MOSTLY meteor.....

2448925 That would be kinda hard to do if he wanted it to actually make it. It's not like the meteor he was using was some nondescript "space metal" which let's be honest it's unlikely he'd have some of that on hand.

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