Comments ( 15 )
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Found this and had to share!! Trust me, this is awesome!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

She's the Avatar, you got deal with it.

I've always like Kyoshi, thought of her as the greatest Badass Avatar

2496277 Same here

Really if we get another Avatar series after Legend of Korra, I REALLY want to see some of the past Avatars. Honestly? The Avatar series has the same chance of becoming as long running as Doctor Who, since both have a protagonist who can keep coming back.

I'd at LEAST like hour specials like they did for Beginnings, or even TV movies dedicated to the past Avatars! It's Avatar for crying out loud! People will watch it regardless of if it has Aang or Korra. They have proven they can tell a good story spanning years in just an hour with Beginnings.

I would be content on them just doing a comic series for the past Avatars, or at least the named ones (excluding Roku, we have enough on him).

2499788 Given how the Avatar comics Dark Horse put out have gone........................... Yeah no thanks:unsuresweetie:

You don't like them? Ok the second trilogy was probably a bit confusing but remember we had Wan the Lion-Turtles retconing the origins of Bending as well.

2499816 It was OMD: Avatar Edition

Also not retcon per-se, just the source. We saw Wan mimic a dragon to learn true firebending


Not so much the dragons but the story of Oma and Shu was ignored. I may have to rewatch that episode but I believe it was stated that they were the first Earthbenders

2499871 "One More Day"

Oh yeah


I call the "Dragons Gifting the Powers of the Elements" Protobending, since there was a clear difference between the folks in the hunt and Wan after he learned from the dragons. Oma and Shu could easily have been the first True Earthbenders

2500961 I agree. I mean it's like actual kung-fu. People can know how to fight before hand, throw a punch or a kick, but it's not really kung-fu is it? Same for bending. Someone can be born with bending, but without any kind of training then they're not really benders

2499911 You mean Zuko sold his relationship with Mai and the Gaang to Vaatu in exchange for his mom and not getting his face barbequed?

I know this is probably thread necromancy, but I really like Kyoshi too (enough to write my own version of her backstory, but that's enough self-promotion). We don't know a lot about her (except that she had a daughter, created the Dai Li and made her own island), but she's still pretty awesome when we do see her.

3152240 No Zuko's mom sold her memories of ever being married to Ozai, thus erasing her children from her memory

Yeah Kyoshi is pretty awesome. :ajsmug:

I thought thaymt was what was gunna happen in all honesty. I mean of the past Avatar's we only know to the Airbender before Aang. I'd kill to see the Avatars before that.

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