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It's Dieselpunk. I've heard people say that Legend of Korra is a Steampunk series in a way........... It's not. :ajbemused:

Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery, especially in a setting inspired by industrialized Western civilization during the 19th century. Steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century's British Victorian era or American "Wild West", in a post-apocalyptic future during which steam power has regained mainstream use, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power. Steampunk perhaps most recognizably features anachronistic technologies or retro-futuristic inventions as people in the 19th century might have envisioned them

Dieselpunk is a sci-fi genre and art style based on the aesthetics popular between World War I and the end of World War II. The style combines the artistic and genre influences of the period (including pulp magazines, serial films, film noir, art deco, and wartime pin-ups) with postmodern technology and sensibilities

Legend of Korra fits the latter more than the former

Dunno if this was true or not, as i am known to get my -punks mixed, but the way you gave your arguement seems fairly Legit.:twilightsmile:

Not sarcasm, the title made me expect "lol omfg u r r-yarded!"., and this was a pelasent surprise.:pinkiehappy:

I think it may be on the fuzzy line between the two -punks. But I do agree that it fits much more with the 1920s than they 18... well that is one problem with steampunk, what part of the Victorian Era?

Ok we do see Korra wearing clothing that is for the 1920s, and the number of cars shown, gas powered cars at that,

2501170 I would say that the original series is more Steampunk, mainly due to the tanks and ships the Fire Nation used.

Even then it really wouldn't fit

2501207 I'm not saying it's a hard and fast rule that Steampunk MUST be Victorian based. The main thing is steam power being the primary force that caused technological advancement and that it is still being used. Everyday things like cars, boats, even weapons, to the more outlandish like full on cyborgs and robots being powered by steam. They clearly use gas and their time is more in line with the post-WWI world.

... again I am reminded why I don't particularly like steampunk

2501277 Fair enough..................... But I enjoy it so let's not argue about it in case that becomes an issue

Yeah let's not, I am likely to draw the ire of the fanatics... again.

Honestly the various -punks tend to imply some sort of dystopia... at least when you take cyberpunk into account... I like to think that it isn't dieselpunk or steampunk, it is simply a civilization that has progressed technologically and continues to progress

2501422 Cyberpunk is a dystopia, but steam and diesel aren't, they're just more or less stuck in whatever culture they're based around with a particular kind of driving force behind technology that is never changed

Comment posted by Captain Lunar deleted Jan 1st, 2014

And considering that many of the fans don't know jack squat about the era portrayed it still doesn't matter

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