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So I've had this idea floating around for a while in my head where, at some point in a story involving the EGverse, Pinkie throws a party with the theme based on the "Avatar:TLA"/"Korra" franchise. If I can work it in, it'll most likely serve as part of the climax, or at the very least show a hidden geek side to Sunset. :raritywink: Plus, wouldn't this be cool in real life?

I like party planning, so I've been trying to mull out the details, but I've mostly just come up with the dress code (Come dressed as either a character or in the style/color motif of your favorite nation!). Any ideas regarding;

-Activities (aside from dancing- that's covered.)
-Music Suggestions

are welcome.

For food there's plenty of fans who've recreated food from the show.
For decor I don't know. Recreate the four nations?
For favors I have no clue.
Activities bending contest to see who can most accurately reproduce the moves from the show?
Music whatever you want.
And you my friend have earned a watch because I don't plan on missing a story like that.

Ideas for food reproductions include, if I am remembering correctly, fire flakes and fire gummis, as well as some kind of soup that involves seal blubber.
My first thought was for the room to be divided between the four nations, five if you separate the water tribes, six if you include the United Republic of Nations; however, this would go against what Pinkie would try to do, which would be to mingle despite differences. Of course, this could be done to create a bit of conflict. Applejack on the green-and-bronze side arguing that Rarity and her red-and-gold compatriots are encroaching on the former's territory. :rainbowlaugh:
And you must have a platypus bear. A fake one. Or a real one. Even a live one.

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