Comments ( 9 )
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2856819 this could have been done MUCH better.

I could do it better :unsuresweetie:

2856834 Go ahead, it's not mine anyway. Also could you do one with the Superman TAS theme? :trixieshiftright:

Pride of the '90s meets the '10s. Funny thing is that setting wise they fit so damn well. Korra is supposed to take place in the Avatarverse's 1920s, and Batman... well it kind of the same way

2856855 The setting seems a bit to urban for a Superman song. I would need to listen to it a few times, see what comes up.

Also, I would require compensation if I went out of my way to do that.

2856857 Batman TAS was kinda in that timeless area. It had a stylistic look of the 30's and 40's, but with modern technology being used in places as well, like computers and such.

"I am vengeance......... I am the night.......... I......... Am........... THE WOLFBAT!"

2856879 If by compensation you mean doing something for you that costs no money from me, then fine.

2856819 Batman The Animated Series will likely remain my all time favorite T.V. show. The perfect example of being dark, while still being safe for all ages. Taking itself seriously, without being needlessly cruel or violent. Plus, it had Danny Elfman as a composer, and great voice acting.

2856834 Well then, take a look at this.

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