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All of these are good movies.

Seriously, in the nine years since Iron Man, Marvel Studios has gotten so great at churning out superhero films that it's kind of miraculous. Films that not only capture the fun silliness of the comics, but are also well made, well casted, well written and are full of love. The entire MCU, from the movies to the shows have been a truly awe inspiring effort of multi franchise continuity and genre blending, which is not something that was ever seen before. And the weird part is that the profitability and the popularity of the megafranchise has put the MCU in it's own kind of immortality. If there is an end to this ever increasing universe, I don't see it. Personally, I'm looking forward to the year 2050, when we're waiting for out twelfth Avengers sequel (in which we will probably have Venom, Nova, She-Hulk, Squirrel-Girl, Valkyrie, American Dream and the Beyonder as our heroes)

But until that point, I figure that it'd be fun to rank the 14 movies we do have. Sans Dr. Strange. I just haven't seen it yet.

Before I start, the top four for this list (and yes, I do mean the four obvious ones), change all the time depending on the kind of movie I'm into at that particular moment, and I actually thought for a while on what order I wanted to place them in. I thought a while about the different values of a film being memorable or technically proficient, entertaining or smart, and my own preferences besides. And if I'm being honest? I still have no idea what the answer is.

13) The Incredible Hulk - I don't really care about the Hulk. Sorry. As it stands, the second Bruce Banner is infinitely funnier and more endearing than this first one. I stand by what I said about no bad MCU movies, it's just that this is... just serviceable. It's a perfectly fine monster movie, and it's probably the best adaptation of the 70s TV show that you're ever going to get.

12) Thor: The Dark World - Even though the banter between Thor and Loki is as entertaining as you'd expect, and one of the infinity stones shows up, you can be forgiven for counting this as one of the filler movies. It seems oddly embarrassed by it's own existence, as if the first Thor movie took place in the idealistic toddler years, and Thor 2 opts for a more self conscious teenager vibe. Just meh all around.

11) Iron Man - I thought that this would be higher on the list, but it isn't, largely because of it's unremarkable third act and the remarkably boring Iron Monger. I will say that Downey is the BEST POSSIBLE CHOICE for the role of Iron Man.

10) Iron Man 2 - the first Iron Man was a better movie in every way. That being said, I just found myself remembering this second film a lot more. Possibly because of Rohdey, possibly because of Whiplash, or possibly because of Black Widow or Agent Collsun. Who can say?

8) Ant-Man - Yeah, I thought that this would be WAY up on the list, and I'm not sure why it's not. It did what no one else thought possible: It made Ant-Man awesome. And it did so in a really fun way. But whenever I think of this movie, it's never with quite the same fondness as the ones I'm about to mention.

9) Thor - This is a very silly movie for one of the sillier heroes. And it is really fun. It did everything it set out to do and more. It gave us a great villain, a great hero, and it nailed the complicated relationship between Thor, Loki and Odin, and it made me care about everything that was going on.

7) Iron Man 3 - Tony Stark is one of the best characters in the entire franchise, and this movie captures the PTSD and very slow decent into madness that any sane person would be feeling better than I thought possible. Tony's struggle is of course one of the better parts of the movie, but everything else is also very well done, with a satisfactory resolution. If this were the last film to feature Iron Man, I would have no complaints.

6) Guardians of the Galaxy - I'll admit, this was not a movie I was expecting to like. I didn't even know it was an MCU film until after it came out, and even then I was never interested in seeing it. I guess some part of me was too snooty to accept that the MCU could produce a better-than-Star-Wars-Star-Wars space romp that only featured D-List heroes who I would grow to love. And I was wrong. Absolutely, without a doubt, dead wrong. And it is glorious.

5) Captain America: the First Avenger - I love Captain America. And this movie made me love him. Chris Evans is right up there with Downey as THE BEST POSSIBLE CHOICE for his role. There will never be another set of actors who will be able fill these shoes. But unlike Iron Man, The First Avenger is a great movie throughout, and it made Captain America one of the most popular superheroes in the world. It's silly, smart, endearing, bold, humble, funny, and good. And it came at a time when superhero movies (for the most part) were scared to be any of those things. (The Dark Knight trilogy can go die in a fire).

4) The Avengers: Age of Ultron - Anyone who's ever heard me voice my opinions of this movie knows that I'm eating my words right now. But I stand by what I said. Age of Ultron is a better movie than the first one. It has a smarter script, better action, awesome new heroes, better characterization, awesome Hawkeye moments, and the BEST Quicksilver ever. It raises the stakes like a sequel should, and keeps the comedic tone that the MCU has perfected. And as much as I like Loki, Ultron is just a more interesting and more entertaining villain. However...

3) Marvel's The Avengers - ...This movie is both incredibly memorable and unbelievably satisfying. And that combination really does beat technical proficiency any day. The problem I had with this movie is how it was received: people said that this was the better Avengers movie because it was the first, and therefore special. This is not important. The order in which something came out does not affect the movie's quality. But in the end, that didn't matter. I watched this movie again recently, and I came to the conclusion that while it's younger brother was a good movie, this was a great movie. It has an incredible amount of memorable scenes, it is a seamless blend of the Iron Man, Thor and Captain America franchises, and all of the memorable action scenes are primarily character driven, which of course I love.

2) Captain America: the Winter Soldier - This is my favorite MCU film, and one of my favorite films of all time. It is a perfect blend of the superhero and spy genres, it's dark without being bleak, it's serious while still being funny, it's full of action while being the smartest film yet, and it's conflict is ingenious and terrifying. The Winter Soldier is an amazing villain, the Falcon is a cool hero and the best possible sidekick to the Captain, and this film made Captain America my favorite hero in the MCU. But more than that, something very heartwarming and happy stood out to me that made this a great movie for me: when HYDRA was revealed, and the Helicarriers were about to be sent up, there were just SO many loyal SHEILD agents (some without guns) who were ready and willing to lay down their lives for the right thing, and in doing so, they became just as much of heroes as Captain America. The damn movie made me like humanity, and I fucking needed that feeling in 2016. (Fun fact: I actually saw this after Age of Ultron and Civil War. Needless to say, I was kind of confused as to who the hell the Falcon was)

1) Captain America: Civil War - Winter Soldier may be my favorite, but Civil War makes it on the top not only for being a great movie, but for also the sheer unlikelyhood of it's existence. A decade ago, a movie like this was absolutely unthinkable, and everyone and their mother was sure that this was going to fail. Even the most optimistic of us were sure that this would finally be the Marvel movie that sucked. We were sure that there were finally too many heroes for the movie to work. Never has anyone since WW2 been so wrong. Everything about this movie is phenomenal. ESPECIALLY the new cast. I never thought that there would be a Spider-Man to top Toby McGuire. I never thought that I'd be excited for a Black Panther movie either, but there you go. And that airport fight? OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT WAS AWESOME!!! And while this has been called (unfairly) the REAL Avengers 2, it's also very much a Captain America movie, and it wraps up the strings of The Winter Soldier remarkably well. Bucky Barnes especially was one of my favorite parts of the movie. And I look forward to the day when he leads his own team of Avengers. This was just such an awesome movie!

And there you go. My humble list. I am looking forward to the next three Marvel movies that we'll be getting this year, and I'm sure that they'll all make it into my top ten.


as much as I like Loki, Ultron is just a more interesting and more entertaining villain.



I recognize that you have an opinion, but your opinion is bullshit.

5743489 This guy does not fully represent my opinion, but he does touch upon some issues that I do have with the movie and the overall MCU lineup as of late...late 5 years that is. I would myself probably give the movie a strong 6 to a light 7. Above average and at times even good but not great. So I do have a higher opinion of this movie than mr YMS has, that gorgeous faggot.:rainbowlaugh:


So what are your problems with the MCU?

Disclaimer: You know my deal by now. When it comes to matters of art, I don't give even a microscopic amount of a fuck about opinions that aren't mine.

5743498 I kinda noticed by now.:rainbowlaugh:

I have great deal of problems with the modern MCU movies like: all of them are incredibly formulaic, predictable and because of that highly unengaging. The villains of MCU are usually carbon cutout copies of the same trends and underdeveloped wank. The protagonists lack depth and when they have character development it is not really all that well written or compelling. The storylines as I said are so predictable that I can imagine an entire movie before going to see it and be right in so many places. The action is nice but not always as well directed and choreographed (though usually still nice to look at). And one of the other points is that comic books do EVERYTHING (exept for the actions scenes and visuals) SO MUCH BETTER than these movies.

I honestly stopped caring much about these movies after the original Avengers. I still do not mind watching them but they have become too stale for my taste.


all of them are incredibly formulaic, predictable and because of that highly unengaging.

Explain how.

The villains of MCU are usually carbon cutout copies of the same trends and underdeveloped wank.


The protagonists lack depth and when they have character development it is not really all that well written or compelling.

Objectivefly untrue. Point out the protagonists that you feel have lackluster development or writing, and I will explain to you why you are wrong. (or agree with you)

The action is nice but not always as well directed and choreographed

I really like the action.

And one of the other points is that comic books do EVERYTHING (exept for the actions scenes and visuals) SO MUCH BETTER than these movies.

I honestly stopped caring much about these movies after the original Avengers. I still do not mind watching them but they have become too stale for my taste.

I woun't worry about it. Not everyone has good taste.


All of these are good movies



I recognize that you have an opinion.

But your opinion is bullshit.

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