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If you don't know what the Dead Hand is, here it is.

Group Admin

3175776 Dude, that's creepy. I don't know how they'd react, but it would be pretty damn dark. :pinkiegasp:

3177142 Damn straight. I swear, that THING is bound to fuel nightmares for everyone.

I personally think that they'd go running to Celestia so she could incinerate it. The ponies either run to Celestia for help, or push it off onto the Elements.


Soo true, I swear I had nightmares for years after I faced that thing :fluttershbad:, I WAS FIVE NITENDO!:flutterrage:


Better yet: drop the Mane 6 into the Shadow Temple. That'll give them nightmares for weeks.

3988680 God dammit, Nintendo!!!

3988838 Oh boy, I can already see the psychological trauma they'll get.

Why would you do that to them? That place is bad **** scary! :twilightoops:
I mean, I was on the verge of wetting myself when I first got to that temple, the music alone could cause dementia. :pinkiecrazy:


Let's also not forget this quote spoken randomly by the temple itself near the beginning:

"Here lies Hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred"

Plus, Dead Hand lives in the Shadow Temple so that's a good expansion on the idea.

That is the place all light dies...:ajsleepy:
Even so, the mane six still may be able to survive....:eeyup:
But just barely.....:pinkiesick:

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