Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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So, I was wondering how a story with more than one incarnation of link would go. From what I have heard each incarnation has their own Title. Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask Link is the Hero of Time. Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass is the Hero of Winds. the Link from A Link to the Past Oracle of Ages/Seasons (The Unreleased 3rd game in the Oracle Saga) and Link's Awakening is the Hero of Legend. etc.

I wonder how the interactions and personalities of these characters would work?

I think one example could be with The Hero of Legend, where his uncle and parent figure ultimately got killed early in the game, and The Hero of Winds who managed to save his Sister and left his Grandma and Parental figure for the sake of finding the New Hyrule. How would interactions between those two differ?

It was this video that got me thinking.

Post your ideas of the Attributes, Interactions and personalities between the Links below!

3663195 Well, that is an good question. Base on the games would be the important factor.
To an example, Links from Twilight Princess would probably somewhat dark personality from his time dealing with the twilight. But still held kindness in his heart deafily for children and animals.
Links from Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask would be kind of child but serious.
Links from skylofe would probably be playful and unpredictable.
So anything could happen. Why don't we try this idea. It seem fun and if done right we can find more in the future.

4032933 No. Care to make an link.(see what I did there.)

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