Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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It's offcial, Majora's Mask will return, this time on the 3DS

And did you see the Moon, I mean holy crap that thing got even scarier

3773681 Practically shat myself.

Yeah, now picture the scene when it eats Link.

I can finally try the most talked about Zelda game ever. Also five bits says they put street pass into the game.

3773691 *pales*

3773695 I know right! I have an n64, expansion pack, and the cartridge, but the absolute suckiest controller ever. 'Bout time I got the real deal.

Have fun trying to sleep

I'm looking forward to it, it has been too long since I played MM

Group Admin

About damn time! My first and favorite Zelda. I wonder how different this will be from playing it on my phone.

I figure the controls would be better on the 3DS

Group Admin

I suppose so. The on screen joystick was a little hard to deal with, but it didn't stop me from playing through the entire game. :pinkiehappy: Though there it would also crash time to time, though nothing quicksaving didn't remedy :derpytongue2:. I can't count how many times I played this game. I'd say the biggest change is the graphics of course. Still glad this is happening. It has a loyal fanbase for very good reason, but remains one of the more obscure Zelda games. The best thing of all is that more people will get to experience it.

Majora Mask for the win.:pinkiehappy:

Ohhhhh great goddesses... :rainbowderp:

THE HYPE IS SO REAL!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

3773660 I'm so fucking giddy right now!

UPDATE: Release date is February 13th, we have less than a month to wait till the Moon Falls

Also the *New* 3DS XL will be out on the same date, and according to Nintendo yes there will be a Majora's Mask version which makes sense since it is coming out the same day.

Gamestop has already announced they will do trade ins for the new system... $75 for standard 3DS, 2DS, and DSi, and a full $100 for a 3DSXL and DSXL

3974437 Yeah, but then how do I transfer my data from SSB 3Ds over(since I had to get it via eshop, thanks people for buying all psyhical copies)?

Ask Nintendo? I honestly don't know

3974467 Thanks, that helps a lot.:facehoof:

They have ways to do the data transfers, a bit complicated when your use to Steam and the cloud, though considering Gamestop will do the trade-ins as part of the preorder there has to be something

3974492 Hopefully, I put in work to get everything in that game, I don't want to say it's all for not.

Ok taking a look the "Data Management" panel under setting, Software and downloads are saved on the SD card not the internal memory, so if what Nintendo says it should be as easy swapping the SD cards between systems. But I would look that up to confirm since supposedly you can transfer data between cards so you can increase capacity

3974218 :OOOOOO HOLY SHIT EVEN BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!

With the countdown started lets turn this thread into one for the appreciation of what is considered the darkest game in the series. First off:

Guys it's coming out friday the 13th! now that's just creepy.

I suppose its better than it coming out the next day. Nothing says romance like:

4030643 And it also makes valentines day dawn of a new day AKA Anju and Kafei's wedding.

To everyone, the Final Day has come and the Moon continues to Fall. Majora has returned.

I've picked up my copy though due to the actions of others I do not have the *New* 3DS let alone the MM edition... Stupid manager, stupid Nintendo pulling a Sony

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