Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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So stumbled upon this today:

So we now a couple things:
1) Hyrule is going to be big
2) Epona will have a new AI
3) We will have a new Star Fox game before this games comes out but only after MM3D

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of galloping wild horses in Hyrule. Plus, that vaulting and Bow and Arrow action.

You forgot to mention the awesome waypoint system they're doing.

Rather then just randomly marking it on a map, you gotta get up high, see where you're going, and say, "I'm going there."

So much more interesting.

Shows the strength of the gamepad right there. No having to pull up menus to see a detailed map

Yep, now if only other companies would stop being lazy and think of how to use it so that they can get some 3rd party support.

But remember on "real" gamer uses nintendo. There are some 3rd party games being worked on I think, and at least one is pretty much a indie-version of Portal.

The point remains, everyone laughed at the Wii, then everyone copied it.

The point I'm making is that, Nintendo can't be the only one doing things, though they've shown what can be done, but nowadays most companies have a terrible mentality.

They've gotten away with being lazy for to long, they don't even make sure games are playable at launch because they can just patch it later.

It really bugs me.

I remember someone saying (I forget who), that they wouldn't put Borderlands on the WiiU because they wouldn't know how to use the Game Pad.

Well, I can put it simply (being a huge Borderlands fan), the inventory management can be very clunky, having direct access to it via a second screen would be beyond amazing.

Honestly that is what I see, you pull the menu down from the TV and onto the 'pad.

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