Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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I'm gonna take a wild shot here; the Hyrule Warrios DLC pack promised two new characters, both from Majora's Mask.I can really only see four characters having that chance of being added (and one of them isn't really that likely, I think) and those are Fierce Deity Link, Skull Kid, The Happy Mask salesman, or Tingle as the game's joke character. I could be wrong though; who do you think they'll be?

I obviously haven't been paying attention, or have the game for that matter, so I didn't know about a DLC. Skull Kid I think for sure but I am unsure about the second


Skull Kid will undoubtedly be one of the playable characters.
Fierce Deity Link will end up being a new weapon for Link.
Happy Masked Salesman would be in interesting pick, but I don't see it happening despite his role in the story.
Tingle can go fornicate himself.

I'd like to say that the 2nd playable character would be Kafei. He's a side character, but he's the deepest of all the side-characters in the game. He has a potential moveset with his Keaton mask being a Light-affinity weapon, and has a unique design to him. Given that Agitha was made playable, I'd like to see Kafei playable as well.

I'd like to see Odalwa as a boss monster, since he might fight very well in the Dynasty Warriors-style gameplay and not be another bad boss.

Aw man, I can't find a video of the Odalwa chant. :fluttercry:


That's one of the things that made me crap myself when I first came upon that boss 8 years ago. Now I realize he's chanting in Mayan.

Not sure. I have a feeling that one of Link's new costumes will be Fierce Deity, but I don't know about the rest of the pack.


Tingle is in.


You have no idea how salty this made me. I'm so salty, it made the earth uninhabitable.

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