Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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Okay, if your reading this it means you care enough to at least listing to my problem. (Or read in this case.) You see I'm trying to make a story where Link's from Twilight princess, Ocarina of Tim/Majora Mask and Skyward Sword in one story and in Equstia due to Twilight spell. They are trying to find there way home with help from the ponies. But until they find their way home, they each to play knights for Spike as his title as prince is revel to the world. Not to mention evil from the heroes world trying to rule Equstia.

I got the plot and what I want. But I can't find anyway to start it. It starting to bug me.:facehoof:
So please help this poor soul.:fluttercry:

Hmmm....You could have it to where Twilight is trying a new spell that allows her to view other dimensions (original I know) and our heroes have just beaten their Villains, life is good and BAM in equestria. Sorry that's all I got. I know that people use it all the time but I can't think of anything else.

I think your being to generic, Twilight always brings someone from another world via spells backfiring. I suggest that you try something different, like create your own villian or use all of the Zelda bosses in Equestria and have some outside force bring our heroes to ponyville, canterlot or, just because, the Everfree forest.

But a good way to start is on a dark rainy night, If memory serves, both Zelda Oot and Banjo Tooie ( the two greatest games of the 64) both started on dark and stormy nights.

You don't have to reveal how they got there right away, it can be a mystery that they discover. You could just start the story with them suddenly being there, meeting each other, and being very confused. Sometimes a mystery will draw in readers because they're curious and want to find out what's going on.

What time period for Twilight Princess? If imp, then the wolf link can scare ponyville until Fluttershy shows up and helps. The others can be found by ponies that are closest to them in interests. Like Skyward Sword Link can live in Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash because they are alike, Twilight can be interested in the Ocarina of Time. Rarity can be critical of the Link's garb and Applejack can recruit them all for Zap apple season.

Just the little things can help.

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