Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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Okay, so I got a Link amiibo for my Hyrule Warriors game, so I could unlock the Spinner.

Then, just for kicks, I scanned it again a couple days later (re: today), and I got a very pleasant surprise.

A new, very powerful Spinner called the Triforce Spinner was given to me! It has six slots for skills, fiver of which were already filled, and at three stars, it is even more powerful than the Master Sword, with a strength of 364 compared to the Master Sword's 300!

At least until you unlock the Master Sword's skill slot.

4265642 Yeah. Now that I have looked into it, the Triforce Spinner actually seems to be the first third-tier weapon I have managed to unlock.

I've tried to unlock the other third-tier weapons in Adventure Mode, but it's just too difficult to get an A-Rank in those stages, you know?

Yeah. That's the part I hate about Adventure Mode, not being able to adjust it to your own difficulty.


I unlocked a bunch of 3rd Tier weapons. I don't really get why people complained about unlocking Impa's 3rd Tier Giant Sword, though.

4265936 Trying to get over to the left side of the map, near the top, is an ordeal in and of itself.

Figuring out which Item Card you need and getting said Item Card if you don't already have it can also sometimes be quite difficult.

And there's the matter of trying to make sure you beat 1,200 enemies and fulfill the requirements for victory in 15 minutes, all while taking less than 4,000 damage in the battle.

So it can be quite an ordeal, all things considered.


I had an easy time doing it, maybe it was because Impa's C3 attack is really good to spam?

4266828 Um, which combination of buttons is it?

And I don't play on Zelda Style, just so you know.



It summons the water sphere. It's quick, damaging and takes out a large number of enemies within its splash.

4266869 I see.

Just got the Magical Sword for Link. My strategy? Since he was not restricted to using that type of weapon, I simply spammed my Triforce Spinner. I was easily able to avoid taking near enough damage to cost me my A Rank due to how agile it is, and the only thing that had me slightly worried was time. But I still managed it on my first attempt.

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