Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
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I always wondered what Dark Link would be called if he had a real name. I know he is the dark half of Link but I always felt that he should have a real name. I thought the names Raven Void or Eclipse would work for him since they all represent darkness. What do you guys think should he have a real name or should it just stay Dark Link

Have him as Knil (Link backwards)

I've used Knil, Shadow, and just Dark so far. Not sure what else I'll use if I have another Dark Link story idea.

I think Raven Void sounds like an angsty teenager in a bad anime. :pinkiehappy:

His name is duh, (that's Link but spelled in white not black.)

4270720 Might use Knil or Shadow for the story I'm writing

4270733 I would be lying if I didn't laugh a bit at that

4270716 Knil but the K is silent so it's nil

I'm partial to Darke, Mirrior, (Get it? Mirror? Opposite of- forget it.) and Demise (before Skyward Sword was a thing :P)

How about something thats not edgy like something found in a middle school kids notebook. Come on guys, really?

Shadow Heart perhaps?

A friend of mine told me to call him severe since it is the opposite of link

4270720 dammit beat me to it

4271615 What was it something I said?

Look above original post please.


Bond - A synonym of link, also sounds cool.

Bandit - The opposite of the Hero. Also, Link tends to steal alot of things... or at least 'collect' them from stray pots, treasure chests, or defeated enemies. Dark Link, as Link's evil side would have all of Link's vices... which includes theft. Bandit also sounds like a fairly normal name.

Lock - A link forms things together, a lock does the same but can also act as a barrier that can be opened with a key. Link solves puzzles as a hero while Lock causes problems or creates obstacles as a villain.

4272235 Sorry it appears I just don't share your view.

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