Zelda Crossovers 737 members · 122 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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So showing how much I've been paying attention apparently Hyrule Warriors is being ported over to the *New* 3DS, and will include Tetra and King Daphnes Nohansen/King of the Red Lions as playable characters.

Info came in from Zelda Informer via Project Moonfall

Guns are now Canon in Zelda univers

Oh, come on! I haven't even finished the console version's extra content, and then I'll have to do it all over again when this comes out?! :raritydespair: :raritycry:

4455593 What avatar? I don't use one. :rainbowhuh:

I don't know what to be more exited for! Hyrule Warriors Legends or Triforce Heroes.

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